6. Text Message

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text message

/ˈtɛks(t) ˌmɛsɪdʒ/


an electronic communication sent and received by mobile phone.

The door of our apartment slams closed behind me and I cringe slightly, maybe I should calm my shit just a little, a tiny bit. But really I can't help myself, the moment Aleric left the bookstore I was dancing around. I'm pretty sure the adrenaline still hasn't completely worn off, hence the door slamming.

So, to prevent myself from freaking out too much I try and take deep breaths while I take off my shoes, hang up my jacket and wash my hands. I had calmed down slightly at work, but on my way home I got myself all worked out again. The thought of finally telling my best friend I'm going on a date... lets just say I have been waiting for this for an embarrassing amount of time.

I'm also slowly but surely freaking the fuck out. The date is fucking tomorrow and I'm not prepared.

After I agreed to go on a date with him he wrote his number down on the receipt and told me to text him my address and that he would pick me up tomorrow at six.

I usually am a person who needs to have anything planned far in advanced and the fact that this is all so sudden only makes my anxiety worse. I would already be anxious enough to go out with him, unknown place, people, situation and all, but I don't even know what I am going to be wearing yet.

This is all going way too quickly for my taste. Although this would scare me, no matter what pace things were moving at.

And on the positive side, this gives me less time to overthink everything. Too late now anyways, I am not cancelling this, no way, not letting myself do that.

"Burnie!!" I yell out since we don't have any time to lose. "What?!" She yells back. Deciding that yelling might not be the most civilised way to discuss this manner I go to her room and knock on the door before opening it.

"I need your help." I confess and she barely looks up from her phone to answer me. "Sure, s'up babe?"

Here goes nothing.

"I have a date tomorrow at six pm and I don't know what to wear and I need to text him our address, but how do you even write a text to someone like that, and I probably shouldn't tell him our address because he might be a serial killer and oh my fuck I am excited." I ramble out at an almost unintelligible pace, but Ash knows what I am saying since the both of us are used to Seraphina's incessant rambling when she gets excited. Although, I think the both of us are shocked to hear me rambling like this.

"Okay wait a second, you have a date!? Did the sexy rich stranger come back for you? I knew it." "Yes and he told me he'd pick me up at six tomorrow and I think I might've suffered brain failure or heart failure, or possibly both." I am now officially panicking. "Fuck I didn't even ask him where we're going yet. What if it's fancy? I don't think I have anything fancy to wear and I don't want to get all judgy looks from the rich fancy people."

"You're going to be fine, there's no need to panic. Worst case scenario we go out tomorrow and buy you a hot dress to wear. But first, I feel I deserve to know more details, how did you go from all sad about missing the opportunity to fuck the perfect, sexy, rich stranger to him asking you out on a date? And what was his name again?"

Her questions manage to distract me from my distress and I go on to answer her. "I was just ringing up this really nice lady, who had bought some books for her daughter when Mr. Adair walks in. Now obviously I'm confused, like wasn't he here just yesterday with the weirdest book request ever? Why would he come back again? He once more called me love, but I tried to stay focused on the job, that went out the window when I asked him like 'what can I do for you today'. I kid you not he says 'I'm here to ask you out on a date and to buy your favourite book'. I didn't think I had the strength to answer that, nor was I really sure if I hadn't just imagined him saying he wanted to ask me out, so I didn't comment and just took him straight to the romance section. I told him that a book that's been bought a lot lately was 'the Love Hypothesis' and that I, too, would recommend it. I gave him a book but my mans could not have given less of a fuck about it. He literally kept staring into my eyes. Anyways after some time we were walking back to the counter and he placed his hand on my back, it was so warm and big and I died a little. But nonetheless we at some point arrived at the register counter thingy and he paid and stuff. And then he was like 'you didn't answer my question' first I was super confused but when I realised, what he meant, I agreed and he wrote his number on the receipt. And than I had to continue my shift like I wasn't going completely crazy on the inside."

"Okayyy, I'm not sure if that encounter goes into the category of weird or cute but if your happy I'm happy" She says encouragingly.

"I'm definitely happy, he's so beautiful and his voice is so deep and soothing but also commanding in an attractive way and I didn't know I had such a thing for voices but apparently I do. Something else I didn't know I'd find so ridiculously hot is his tattoos. I really wouldn't have thought I'd like 'em as much as I evidently do."

"Oh you're down bad babe." She says and I can hear the slight worry in her voice. I can't help but understand her caution, I too have been concerned about getting my hopes too high up and then have them come crashing down on me. I mean he saw me once and thought to ask me out on a date.

I don't believe in love at first sight, since love is about far more than appearances.

I am also aware that it is possible he just wants a quick fuck or maybe a distraction and that is not something I'm willing to participate in.

I know my heart couldn't take him using me and then kicking me out on the curb, so I sincerely hope he actually wants to get to know me. After 22 years of being single a little change wouldn't hurt, or at least I'm holding on to hope, that the consequences of a little change wont hurt too bad for me to handle.

Ash fortunately interrupts my spiralling thoughts. "So let's text him to find out where he's planning on taking you so we can start planning your outfit."

Easier said than done, Ash and I proceed to spend the next thirty minutes trying to come up with a good enough message to send to him. I almost start crying and we end up buying pizza to calm me back down.

Having friends that support you does make your life considerably easier. Speaking of friends we of course had to arrange a Group FaceTime call to share the news. With the amount of squeals that came from Seraphina's end, I'd be surprised if my hearing is still fully intact.

After a lot of pizza, some tea and some heated debates we came up with a passable text that everyone could approve of.

He replies within only a couple of second and I freak out. Ash and I hover over the screen of my phone and I feel a stupid smile sneak its way onto my face. We haven't even gone on one date and I am already smiling at his texts.

Me: Hey, this is Azura from the bookstore. I was wondering where we'll be going tomorrow? Just so I'll be able to dress accordingly. I'm excited for the date and look forward to seeing you again. Ps: I live in 674 West King Avenue.                      

Sexy Stranger: Hello love, I am planning on taking you to 'the Dinner Delight' as it is one of my favourites.

Sleep tight.

Yes, I also may or may not have saved him as 'Sexy Stranger' and I am currently having zero regrets about it. 

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