being the younger sibling of hangman would include..

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- having to deal with your brothers stuck-up personality.
- yelling at him for pissing off rooster. The second your voice cracks he just starts wheeezing. (Which makes you even angrier.)
- being faster then him in dogfight football. Only for a short period of time tho.
- you have a lot more stamina then him.. like it's inhuman...
- Beating most of the navy in pool. Your still trying to beat phoenix, but I don't think you will.
- You definitely look up to admiral iceman more then your big brother, it definitely pisses him off.
- you and Jake look nothing alike, You usually get mistaken for cousins or a babysitter and their gremlin child.
- you recognized maverick the second he walked into the bar. You probably started a conversation before jake, coyote and fanboy threw him out. You had a '😧' look on your face.
- Jake acts like He hates you, but deep down inside he loves you with all his heart.
- wearing his aviators.
- surprise surprise, Jake knows how to braid. Actually wait imagine:
You were sitting on the fuzzy carpet of jakes apartment, your head perked up to the tv as the golden girls played "Fuck- sit still." Jake murmured through the two elastics he had in between his teeth, finishing off one of your braided

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