Being the younger sibling of goose would include..

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- You and Nick share the same fun, exciting energy. It's how you bond.
-being the coolest aunt/uncle that Bradley will ever have.
- matching Hawaiian shirts!
-having the better summer of 87' then anyone ever.
- Hanging out with Carole whenever she needs a day away from reality.
- if you like making clay rings, earrings or any kind of jewelry, nick is totally going to snatch some to wear to the beach.
- if you dye your hair a lot, Just ask and he will help with no hesitation! He was originally going to get a degree in cosmetology until the navy sounded like a better idea.
- Carole and Nick met through you. You were four and at the super market with nick. You got lost, Carole helped you back to Nick and They could both see the spark in each other's eyes when they made eye contact. So they exchanged numbers.
- you get a slap on the back of the head or a "language!" Whenever you swear around Bradley.
- Hanging out with him and Pete on the beach
- You two usually don't argue, But when you do you both ghost each other for a few days
- shaving his moustache while he sleeps, you'll wake up to a very high pitched scream.

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