Being the younger sibling of phoenix would include..

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- She's a very protective big sister, Some asshole making you uncomfortable? she's across the table beating the shit out of them
- she definitely acts like she doesn't care if you get into trouble, but trust me she does, She loves you with all her heart.
- you sell off brand beer to the beach security guards. A few of them are your regulars, But on the other hand some of them you just avoid.
- Natasha was put into gymnastics growing up, so expect to be in some kind of physical activity for the first few weeks of spring.
- The only reason your on airbase is because is because you got a job cleaning and taking orders from tables. You get paid 5 dollars every two hours.
- your very chaotic when your bored on the airbase. "y/n! Get down from the fucking roof!" "Never! I'm gonna fly!"
- She has this really slobbery Saint Bernard who's a complete ass to anyone other then you, Natasha, or bob. His name is Casper.
- the second you try to bring a boy/girl into the bar expect the music to stop as phoenix stares them down.
- Listening to Metallica/Nirvana in her truck
- Helping with her hair whenever she needs it.
- Talking mad shit about girls from your school
- Playing twister with the rest of the pilots on Christmas Eve

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