Chapter 1: Team 5DS is back

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We begin our tale as we see a Young man with Red hair dueling a girl

Whirlwind Wyvern destroy her monster!

Duelst: Ahhh!

Kai: Yep that's me Kai Namagi, up coming duelist and Element duelist"

Kai walks over to his opponent and helped her up

Kai: thanks for a good duel
Duelist: thanks, good luck in the finals

Kai: thank you.

Kai shakes her hand and walked away

Announcer: ok duel fans, we will be back in a 2 days where we will See Kai Namagi duel the current champion

Kai is walking down the street when someone dropped a card.

"Kai: here you dropped this.

Girl: oh my thank you.

Kai anytime

Girl: Hey you're Kai Namagi, your that element duelist, Can you sign my notebook?" the girl asked.

Kai: Sure, huh a duels happening

Kai noticed a duel happening , and so did the girl , then headed towards the duel site.

???: Red Dragon Archfiend, Attack , MOLTEN CRIMSON FLARE" The duelist said as he won the duel.

Kai: Woah, who are you?"

Jack: Lets say I'm the previous king.


Jack got on his duel runner.

Jack: I'm here to see a couple of old friends

Jack Drove off droping a card by mistake

Kai; Wow, Jack Atlas, I never thought I'd meet him, hmm he dropped this card should keep a hold onto this.

Kai: here's you autograph

???: I needs to meet my mom for, it was nice meeting you

The girl walked off and Kai began to walk back home.

Kai was walking home when he noticed a man pin a guy against a wall.


scareded Duelist: I don't know , I don't know them personally, I'm just a fan


The duelist escaped hower, and Kai ran over to the opponent and helped the frightened man to SS.

SS:ok tell us what happened son.

Frightened duelist: he cornered me and forced me into a duel, but he beat me with some sort of Machine monster.

The Sector Security officer looked over to Kai and walked over to him

SS: If you dont mind my asking, byt What's your name?

Kai: Kai Namagi

SS: I need you to follow me please.

Kai: why?

SS: you'll see

Kai: Where are we?

SS: my teams old garage.

the sector Security officer removed his Helmet

Crow: Hi,Crow Hogan

Kai: No way

Kai: your from-

Crow: Team 5DS yah I know.

3 more people entered the garage,2 men and a woman.

Jack: Hello

Yusei: I saw your duel online, impressive

Kai: your Yusei Fudo and Akiza Izayoi

Akiza: that's right

Yusei pulled out a old laptop, and pulled up data on the duelist's deck who forced the duelist into a duel.

Kai: he wore a mask but I saw his dueldisk and it, looked like it was fused with him?

Yusei and the others were shocked then realised what this meant

Jack: They can't be..!

Kai: Who?

Yusei:The Meklord Emoprers

Crow: but that shouldn't be possible

Crow: If they are back then we'd better prepare,

Kai: wait I can help

Jack: Absolutely not,

Kai: I'm a good duelist, let me prove it to you,

Jack: s that a challenge runt

Yusei: Jack...!

Nya: Uncle Jack what's going on?

Kai: UNCLE?!

Jack: yes that's my niece , gotta a problem with that!

Yusei: Jack that's Enough !

Yusei: if you want to help us then duel Nya, it'll allow us to see your skills first hand.

Akiza and Nya are shocked by this.

Nya: Uncle Yusei are you sure?

Akiza:Yusei it's her first duel she hasn't even performed a synchro summon yet

Nya: mom I can do it, I'm ready.

Akiza: if your going to duel , use this

Akiza hand her daughter Black Rose Dragon and the group head out side for the duel.

To be continued in Chspter 2 : Kai vs Nya, A new Summons style

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