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The crisp air nipped at my (s/c) face as I zoomed through the air, mounted on my trusted dragon. The sky was painted with beautiful hues of reds, pinks, and purples as the sun's set was nearly complete.
This would be a beautiful moment filled with relaxation if the world wasn't in danger.

An ancient, rather larger than normal, and just as wild and violent Thunderdrum had been causing mayhem all over the planet. Not a single poor soul has survived this dragon's encounter and of course, given my ancestry and skills in dragon taming, I'm the one that my people chose to attempt to solve the problem.

I let out a shaky sigh and looked down at my beautiful Nightlight. Her black scales and tail fins would make you think she was a Nightfury at first glance, however her overall body shape and size resembles that of a Lightfury.
She looked up at my face with an expression of seriousness and bravery on her face, but her hot pink, nearly red eyes showed nothing but fear as we quickly approached the giant mouthed creature.

"Alright, Nova, are you ready?" I asked as I tried my best to keep my (h/c) hair from whipping at my face. The black dragon nodded and let an encouraging chirp erupt from her throat.
This wasn't going to be a dragon that we even think of attempting to tame, it's kill count and overall danger levels were much too high. Too many cities were destroyed and more lives taken than one could count. This was a "kill on sight" mission.

As we reached the mighty beast with incredible speed, Nova prepared a dangerous plasma blast that would be shot into the mouth of the large Thunderdrum. This would be followed by more attacks as the monster recovered, just as we had planned before we took off from home. What we didn't plan was for the Thunderdrum to quickly notice our incoming presence and immediately let an ear splitting roar from it's large mouth just as Nova shot her plasma blast towards it.
At that very moment, it felt as if time had slowed down as the realization that I was facing death had settled in. I could tell Nova had felt the same as her muscles beneath me had shifted in defeat. There was nowhere to go as we flew straight towards the sound waves that were ready to split my very skull into pieces, too fast to slow down or turn away from.
I felt my heart pounding in my chest, almost as if it was trying to get a few more pumps of blood through my body before it was to be forced to stop when my inescapable demise finally arrived.

While time still seemed so slow, I watched Nova's plasma blast hit the massive sound waves that were too strong to pierce through. Before my eyes, the blast had mixed in with the waves and ripped a hole in the sky. The hole looked dark, but I couldn't get a good look at it's details before time returned to normal and Nova and I flew right into the rip in the sky, unknowingly disappearing from our soon to be destroyed home forever.

Immediately upon entering the rip in the sky, I felt immense pain shoot through every inch of my body. It felt like my skin was melting from my bones and rearranging itself into a new area on my body at the same time. I finally let out an agonizing scream after moments of being unable to make even the smallest whimper. A loud, nearly screeching roar broke me from my own personal agony before I looked in Nova's direction and was hit with a horrifying sight and an even more petrifying realization.

Our bodies were fusing into one.

Panic had finally settled fully into my mind as I looked around to try to find a way to somehow reverse the affect on our bodies, but all I could see was pure darkness and nothing to reach out to and grab onto.
Our bones cracked and reformed while scales and hair were shed and grown again, but the agonizing pain never stopped. Soon I could feel that my thoughts were not alone as our heads were finally becoming one. Nova's mind was racing and panicking just as much as mine as we neared the end of our personal hell. However, just as Nova's conscious was merged into the same mind as mine, it faded into silence as if her soul had finally given up and ripped itself out of the new body that we were supposed to share. In an instant, I finally felt alone.
Once the pain stopped pulsing through what was now only my body, I could finally see an opening in the void that caused me so much pain. All I could see was a brick wall and some trash bags before I was swiftly forced out of the void, crashing into the wall hard enough to make me black out to the sound of trash cluttering in different directions.

I Dream of Dragons ( RotG Sandman x reader )Where stories live. Discover now