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You tried your best to eavesdrop on their meeting, but it was no use. All you could hear was muttering and humming, as if they were trying to decide on something.

Currently, your parents were called into a meeting with the King of Hallownest, who you've learned is commonly referred to as 'The Pale King'. A fitting name, too. So, when he called them for a meeting so suddenly... Well, you had your reasons to be curious.

"Your Royal Highness, Y/n, what are you doing?" You turned around to face one of your maids, a purple butterfly, as she let out a sigh, already knowing the answer to her question.

"I'm just trying to know what they're talking about. This isn't going to be like the last time," You said, shaking your head.

"Of course it isn't going to be like last time, they'll tell you if they have anything planned for you. And besides, ma'am, it's the Pale King. The only time he acknowledged your existence is when he tried to convince you to create the newer set of vessels, because the older ones weren't producing results, and the White Lady refused at that point," Your maid painfully reminded you, before continuing. "But that's past now. The oldest vessel managed to push through, so you don't have to worry about that."

"I guess you're right... But still," You looked at her. "Can't you let me live a little?" Before she could reply, her eyes widened as she pulled you away from the door, the three rulers exiting moments later.

"Y/n?" The Pale King said, shocked to see you awaiting them, but he had trouble making eye contact.

"Oh, uh, hi," You began, forcing a smile and acting like you weren't just eavesdropping thirty seconds ago.  "Funny seeing you guys here."

Your mother sighed, clearly not amused. "Well, whatever. I suppose that saves us the trouble. We need to talk to you, Y/n."

You shot a look that said 'I told you so' to your maid, and she hurried off after rolling her eyes.

"So... What did you want to talk about?" You replied, already feeling the awkwardness creeping into the hall you stood in.

"We were just discussing some important matters with the Pale King, and we concluded that perhaps it was for the best of our dearest neighbor Hallownest if you-"

"I'm not making any vessels," You interjected. "I hardly even know how the baby-making process works, and I really don't need to anytime soon." You glanced at The Pale King to notice his embarrassed expression.

"I've dropped that," He said, covering half of his face with his hand. "But, speaking of vessel..." The Pale King trailed off, first looking at you, then your parents.

You father sighed. "Listen, Y/n, we were talking about some very important matters. The Pale King here told us about how he needed to get his chosen vessel properly trained, and he came to us because we're the best at it, okay?" He paused, and you nodded, unsure of where he was getting. "But your mother and I can't train the vessel, we're too busy. So we made a deal with him."

"What kind of deal?" You asked cautiously.

"Well," Your mother started. "We agreed that you train the vessel, and... You see, I'm sure you already know that we've been trying to get you wedded for some time now, and after talking things out with Pale King, we agreed that you'd train the vessel, as long as he's able to find you someone of royal blood to marry," She explained, your eyes widening.

"You can't be serious... You're forcing me to get married to someone I won't even know, and, on top of that, you're making me run back and forth between Xypheir and Hallownest just to train someone?"

"No, of course not, sweetheart," Your mother sweetly replied, causing you to calm down a bit. "You'll be staying in Hallownest."


Soft Spoken | Pure Vessel x Reader ・ [Dreams of the Divine Series]Where stories live. Discover now