Chapter Two: Dawn and Discovery

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Author Note: If you haven't already, follow @SnowIsRandom. She's literally so amazing. And also check out her 'Nightmares' Series while you're at it! That's where Isa came from, she's not my original character.

You stood in the doorway, confused yet heartbroken by the sight. Were you seeing things correctly? Could you even be sure that what you thought you were seeing was really true? You had to give everything the benefit of the doubt; your eyes didn't always see things clearly.

Once you had taken a couple cautious steps closer, though, you were absolute certain that it was exactly what it appeared to be. Guilt stabbed at your heart once you began to realize that this was exactly what you had agreed to. It, they looked as if they were a statue, completely motionless with no indication of life. But they were alive, you knew they were.

Suddenly, they lifted their head to meet your eyes, staring into your soul with no sort of emotion.

"Hi?..." You spoke softly, approaching them carefully. They did not reply, only continuing to look at you.

"Right..." You began again. "You must be the one I'm set to marry?" You had strong hopes that the more you spoke, the more they'd open up to you. Again, they stayed silent.

"Tis the curse embodied within Nym'King's vessel." Ze'Mer's voice informed from behind you, causing you to jump.

"Ze'Mer..." You breathed while holding a hand to your chest, turning around to face her.

"A creature of void, that one is. It cannot speak, nor can it think or feel. 'Tis the cost of Hallownest's being." Ze'Mer explained, looking at the void creature.

"What do you mean, Ze'Mer?" You tilted your head.

"Never mind." Ze'Mer shook her head. "Why did you travel all this way? What led you here?" She asked, successfully changing the subject.

"Oh, I couldn't sleep much. So, I figured that if give myself a small tour of the castle, or as much if a tour as I could manage in the dark." You smiled akwardly before humming. "What about you? Why are you here?"

"Likewise to your reasoning. Ai." she nodded. "Che' sensed that you would venture out at the dusk."

You nodded your head slowly, before focusing your attention back towards the vessel. "Is this really how they treat them at night? Locked away in pure darkness?" You awaited an answer from Ze'Mer, who seemed hesitant to provide one.

"Suppose it's conditioning. Pay no cares to it, it's not as if the vessel even has the ability to." She stated grimly. "At least, that's what Nym'King says."

"And you don't... You don't believe that, do you?" you asked, unsure of whether or not that was a good idea.

She paused. "Che' heard rumors of a circus up in Dirtmouth. Wouldst you wish to attend?"

You frowned ever so slightly, it was obvious that she was avoiding it [literally, like c'mon]. Still, you did like the sound of a circus, since you were never allowed to see any sort of entertainment back in Xypheir.

"That sounds fun, when are the shows?" You asked Ze'Mer.

"Che' is not sure. Ask Nym'King about it tomorrow. Che's heard of his connection to the leader."

"Is that so?" You giggled. "Never would have thought that the King of Hallownest would be close to a circus leader."

Ze'Mer hummed with a low pitch. "Che' wouldn't say close. Che's heard of what a... Strange bug, he is. Not one to be particularly fond of Nym'King." she explained.

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