Chapter Three: A Deal With The Devil

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General "What the actual f is going on here?" TW:  You almost k/ll the Pale King, and he gets called a wh/re (o) | Grimm gets called a h/e (o) | Allusion to dr/gs (u) | Dryya gets bullied beyond repair | Grimm. Yes, just Grimm.

"Alright," he began with a slow sigh, closing his eyes. "Does anybody happen to have the slightest clue as to where she could be?"

The Pale King had entered your room at about six in the morning, coming to wake you up for the tour. When he opened the door, and found that you were gone, he had at first assumed that you had gone to the bathroom. But that didn't seem to be the case either.

So, here he was, two hours later with every single resident of the White Palace lined up and being interrogated by him.

"And you're absolutely positive the last time you saw her was dinner?" he narrowed his eyes, mere inches away from Dryya's face in an intimidating manner.

"Yes, sir!" she confirmed, standing and looking straight as she refused to make eye contact.

He rubbed the space between his eyes, shutting his eyes once again. "What am I going to do?" he shook his head. "How the hell am I going to tell her parents that I lost her on the first day?!"

"Nym'King," Ze'Mer spoke up. "Che' recalls your complaints after being informed that the Troupe Master was in the kingdom." She mentioned, intentionally leaving out the fact that she was the one that said something about it earlier.

The Pale King froze, starring at Ze'Mer. "Oh, don't tell me-" he hastily began towards the front of the palace, ordering the knights behind him. "Would he really figure out this quickly?!" he groaned. The King reached for the doorknob, before the door flew open before him, causing him and the others to stumble back.

"Oh, what a funny coincidence seeing you here, dear Wyrm!" the bug proclaimed all too sweetly.

The Pale King glared, preparing for the headache that was about to come. "Yes." he spoke between gritted teeth. "I suppose it is, Troupe Master Grimm."


"Oh, what the hell-" you stood up, looking around. You were in a kitchen, you presumed. 'Oh. Right' the memories came flooding back to you.

"Say, Y/n, you must be parched!" Grimm stopped in his tracks, turning back to smile at you. "Why don't we take a small break and enjoy some tea? I'll show you my favorite!" he offered, and with how enthusiastic he was about it, there was no way you could say no.

"That sounds great, I'd like that." you accepted, and Grimm beamed.

"Hearing that overjoys me! Come along now." he gestured for you to follow him again, turning on his heel and back the way you came from.

He happily hummed a tune you couldn't put your finger on, practically prancing through the halls of his tent. After about a minute or two of walking, Grimm opened a set of double doors and welcomed you in.

You were a little surprised to see that a table for the two of you had already been set, but you figured it was just Grimm using his magic Grimm powers.

"I informed my kin to have tea prepared for us in the occasion that you desired it." he explained, sending your slight confusion.

"Oh." you nodded in understanding.

"Anyhow," he shook his head. "Please, have a seat." he pulled a chair out a bit further for you, pushing it in once you were seated.

"Thank you." you bowed your head.

"Please, don't worry about it." Grimm brushed it off. "Now, tell me about your stay so far. Has it been pleasing? I can't imagine so with that whore of a wyrm." he mumbled the last bit, and you used every last inch of the little strength you even had to stop yourself from spitting out the tea. Ze'Mer was not kidding when she said they didn't like each other.

Soft Spoken | Pure Vessel x Reader ・ [Dreams of the Divine Series]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя