God's plan

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I can't believe he exists, all these years later, since the first day I met him, I've never been able to fathom his existence. Thank you Allah for creating my love and for bringing us together in this life. You made a plan for us to meet as a lesson and as a blessing. Thank you for putting me through all that you've put me through and then sending me the greatest gift in the end. I will continue to do good. I will not ruin your plan anymore. This man was worth the wait and is worth the lessons that loving him is teaching me. The feeling I get when I am with him was worth the sufferage of my adolescense and I accept the exchange of my youth for a blissful adulthood with this man that I love. Thank you for your generous reward a million times. Please continue to be gracious to me and my soulmate for the rest of our living lives together and then take care of us in the afterlife. Thank you so much. Allahu Akbar.


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