What Is Meant To Be, Will Be

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I trust my strength, my hard work, my self love and worth, that we will be brought together again. Let go of fear, anxiety, insecurity, assumptions... and accept. Whatever is now, accept it. Learn to navigate and live with it. Whatever obstacles are in your way now, work steadily and smoothly around them. Do not be impatient, or you will create more obstacles. You need to be alone, you need to learn to love life and yourself before you can love another human being. Be grateful for what is in front of you at all times. Once you've accomplished the true meaning of peace and love, once you've learned how to thrive alone, only then are you fully ready to support someone else's child and thrive together as one. Be patient. Wait for him. If you love him, you will wait forever if you must. If you give up and move on to the next, then your lack of love means he was not your soulmate, and merely an experience. Soulmates are rare and "getting someone back" will not work if you are not the absolute ones for each other. I'm lucky. I'm grateful that I met mine so early in life, but I see it as a reward for all that I went through as a child/teen. An exchange of my tainted youth for a prosperous adulthood with my one. Love yourself, love him wholly, be good, change your views on the world, and be patient. Be the woman he wanted you to be. Be the woman you would be proud of. Be a woman.


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