Chapter 2- Smosh Begins

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Hey guys, we are glad you are enjoying this story, but sorry, we cannot update every day, as we have school and stuff. Enjoy, Love you guys!

~Ian's P.O.V~

I just got home from school, and I have to admit, it went better than I anticipated. Anthony was a really cool, genuine guy. His friends were funny and sweet. Caitlin made me laugh a lot, Marrissa made me feel welcome, Mollie made me smile from her cheeriness and Mari helped Marrissa in making me feel welcome.

We even exchanged phone numbers!

My phone buzzed and the screen lit up, signalling I either had a phone call or a text message. I looked towards the device, I had 2 messages and a missed call. All from Anthony.

Anthony: Yo Ian!

No response...
A few minutes later...

Anthony: Hey Ian, are you okay? You aren't answering me..?
Ian: Yeah, I'm fine, just daydreaming ^_^

I soon received another message.

Anthony: Oh my god, don't scare me like that! I thought you died!

I laughed.. We had a mini conversation for a little while before he phoned me. This time I picked up.

"Yo Ian my man!"
I heard a laugh come from his side of the phone before he joined in.
I chuckled.
"Anthony? Who's that you're talking to?" A feminine voice said in the background.
"Oh, it's just my friend, Ian." Anthony replied. "Say hi Ian!"
"Hi Ian!" I said into the phone.
I heard the female laugh. "Hey there!"
"Well I'll leave you two be, goodbye Ian." She added before I heard footsteps leave the room.
"Who was that?" I asked.
"O-Oh that's just my girlfriend, K-Kalel..." He sounded nervous.
"Why are you so nervous man?"
"Never mind..."
"Well I have to go do homework, see you later, Alligator."
"In a while, Crocodile."
I chuckled and ended the call, running upstairs with my bag. When I walked into my room I tripped over absolutely nothing and face planted my bed. "Like that's a first..." I chuckled, getting up. As I sat on the edge of my bed, I got out my homework and stationery.

~Anthony's P.O.V~

I threw my phone down onto the table in front of me and sighed, placing my head in my hands. I was so stupid! Why was I so nervous about telling Ian who Kalel was?! Don't tell me... No I can't be...

~Kalel's P.O.V~

I was curious about this Ian, Anthony spoke of. He seemed really friendly around him, to friendly for my liking... Anthony can't be... He loves me too much to betray me for a guy like Ian! From first impressions, he seemed really stupid. The way he said hi, it made me feel sick. I wonder if he looks as horrible as he sounds.

~Timeskip to the next day brought to you by Kalel's fetish over Anthony.~
~Anthony's P.O.V~

I woke up the next day with Ian on my mind... I had a strange dream too... About Fire trucks... I love fire trucks... They're red!

I got up from my bed and yawned. Why did we have to wake up so early for school?! I sighed, getting changed and leaving my slumber chamber. I felt like having toast for breakfast, so this what I had. It was delicious.

Getting my shoes on, I received a text message. I checked to see who it was. Ian...

Ian: Hey dude, you up?
Anthony: Yeah, I'm about to set off now, you?
Ian: I'm on my way to school.. I had nothing to do this morning... :P
Anthony: Cool, see you there ^_^
Ian: See ya!

I placed my phone back into my pocket and set off for school, humming an anime theme song on my way. I soon arrived and met Ian. He had just arrived as well, that was lucky, I'm glad I didn't make him wait to long.

We chatted for a while before the others showed up, Caitlin pushing up her glasses, Marrissa smiling as usual, Mollie being cheery as always and Mari laughing slightly at the dirty blonde female.

Whilst we waited for them to shoe up, Anthony mentioned something a youtube channel with someone. I asked him if maybe I could be the other person who he made the channel with. He happily agreed, with a huge grin plastered onto his face.

We were discussing names when an idea popped into my head. "Smosh?"
"Dude, that is perfect!" Anthony replied.

And so, Smosh began...


Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope you're enjoying this story so far. Updates coming soon! Stay tuned!

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