𝐩𝐭. 𝟒 - 𝒃𝒂𝒓𝒈𝒂𝒊𝒏

559 22 26

it was morning once more in the streets of inazuma city. heizou had his hands in his hair as the two of you strolled along the same familiar well-lit areas in inazuma city.

"you spent your entire night in your office again?" you could tell just by the scent of damp parchment and aged wood off his arms.

"but i swear i fell asleep and had a decent amount of rest." heizou shook his hands in his messy hair and sighed. this knot won't come out. i never should have lent that comb to itto.

"your hair says otherwise." it was very likely that the detective was tossing and turning in his sleep...and heizou didn't know why either. only tossing and turning could form those tangles if he slouched at his desk for six hours.

"it's a normal occurence." of course it would be totally lame to admit that he gave his comb to a jailed citizen, but he couldn't lie about why he didn't have his comb with him. it was probably broken anyway. a thin, flimsy comb couldn't possibly handle arataki itto's thick locks of hair. so he avoided the thought of telling you that he had a comb in the first place.

"do you have a comb or anything?"

just change the topic. it's not like she'll notice.

"maybe. anyway have you been to ritou before? any young memories of that?"

surprisingly the switch of topics worked, for his hair was not the priority to your interests.

"ritou?" the name sounded new. perhaps travelling to other inazuman territories was not something you did as a child. you probably haven't even heard of it.

"ritou," heizou repeated. "does it ring a bell?"

you thought about it for a solid minute, which was long enough to bore heizou out of his mind.

"oh, perhaps." the name of the clan who resided there was on the tip of your tongue. heizou encouraged you to continue, but after noticing you had hit a wall in your train of thought he sighed and gave you the answer.

"the hiiragi clan."

"oh!" you slapped your forehead internally and chuckled. "yes, that clan..."

however, heizou saw through the act. "you don't know who the heck they are, do you."

your chuckles turned into silence very quickly, leaving you confused. "...no, i have absolutely no clue who the heck they are."

heizou grinned. "it doesn't matter, then. perhaps, on a business trip, i'll allow you to tag along. who knows, we could meet the hiiragi clan."

"would we?" you tilted your head slightly, letting the thought fly over your head twice. "if i remember correctly, leading clans don't waste their time on issues that don't matter. or has that changed?"

"they're still human, y/n. a little
greeting once in a while doesn't hurt."

"alright." it was different in liyue, the workers of the tiansheng seemed to waste no time, for their time was valuable. standing still simply wouldn't do. but this isn't liyue, so of course the rules were possibly not the same.

"you do have other matters to attend to, yes? i have to head off for work," heizou told you, hooking a thumb behind his back with an apologetic expression. "i do regret leaving you here like this, i'll make it up to you later."

that's just ridiculous. "it's fine, heizou, but thank you. you go and do a good job, okay?"

heizou dashed off to tenryou headquarters, trying to hide his face, which was almost as dark red as his hair. did i get rejected?

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