𝐩𝐭. 𝟏𝟏 - 𝒓𝒂𝒊𝒏

265 10 20

w: mildly(?) suggestive 


heizou decided to reopen the case about your parents, new questions rising to his attention.

what could your parents have done to cause this to happen?

he glanced over his notes a few times, wondering why he kept hitting a wall with it.

so they were researchers. of course, what kind of researchers get assassinated??

flipping through the pages once more, scanning for answers hidden in the words, he felt like he was nearing the stage of defeat.

not enough clues. i don't want to start making wild assumptions...

i may need to bring in my good friend kazuha!- if only i were able to, under circumstances.

with the vision hunt decree still ongoing, heizou couldn't find his friend anywhere. he assumed after what happened with the shogun, kazuha had run away and would not be coming back until everything settled again.

and legally, heizou was supposed to activate the charges on kazuha as soon as he captured him. but he needed another view on this case that wasn't biased or seen from a witness, he just needed someone to help him see other sides through another view.

he had considered asking you, but bringing up a delicate situation at such a delicate time may not be the best idea.

plus, he knew all you could say was what your parents told you. it wasn't likely that he'd solve the case based on a view from childhood memories.

as much as he loved murder mysteries, without enough clues he couldn't find a solution.

no, i'll solve this case no matter what it takes- y/n can rest on it.

maybe i can narrow it down to the very person behind the kill.

but he was exhausted and didn't have much motivation to continue observing a brick wall in his case, so he carefully put away the files and walked away.


as usual- dark stormy skies, sitting indoors side by side on the lounge chair in his office doing your own quiet things. heizou's nose stuck in a book, your interest settled on attempting pen spins, failing because of his arm squished against yours and preventing you from capturing the pen at the right angle. 

you swore you had inadvertently nudged heizou as lightly as possible while attempting to succeed a pen spin, but he took it as a challenge and nudged you back a little harder. you heard a quiet grumble as he settled back in place, adjusting to cross one leg over another and kicking you lightly in the process.

you retaliated by kicking heizou back in the knee, which encouraged his idea that this was a competition, and he tilted his book down slightly in response- enough for him to not be able to read, but enough to look like he was reading. a quiet stare between the both of you established the beginning of a joke fight. yes, a joke fight.

as neither of you wanted to seriously hurt each other, light punches landed on both your arms. feet were rarely used, as leg power did have less control. after a few minutes of returning punches heizou reached out with one hand and grabbed both of your wrists to stop you.

"you did well, princess," you snickered, watching the boy turn red at the nickname.

"princess?? i think you misunderstand," he scoffed, knowing very well you weren't being serious... he thought so, at least.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2023 ⏰

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