We can live forever, Why don't we just stay

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Porchay felt something flutter in his stomach at the soft press of lips against his own.

Kim's lips feel soft yet firm at the same time. And strangely it sets a new fire in the pit of Porchay's belly. The kiss is soft, yet strangely feels as if Kim is leaving his mark on him. On his soul.

It takes too much, almost all of his inner strength to break away from the kiss. But Porchay still does.

But when Kim leans his forehead on his, his eyes misty and hooded with a new, unfamiliar emotion, Porchay hears something inside him break. Probably all the restraints that he has put around his heart.

Wrapping his arms around the older, Porchay pushes his lips to the older's. The older greedily takes whatever he gets, opening his mouth for the younger, pulling him even closer.

Porchay knows he shouldn't give in. Not when he has spend so much time and effort in building the forts around his heart. He shouldn't let Kim in so easily again.

But the pure display of vulnerability in Kim's eyes is much more heart breaking than anything else. Kim shouldn't be like this. Kim is the youngest son of the biggest mafia of Thailand. The mafia prince, as they infamously call him. Porchay's heart breaks a little more.

And yet, something dark, something very small at the deepest pit of his heart relishes in the newly found knowledge that he has the power to bring the cold mafia prince to his knees.

Pulling away, Porchay looks up as Kim searches his face for something, anything which might indicate to what the younger is feeling. Porchay deduces whatever it is, Kim must have found it on his face by the look of utter heartbreak and some sort of relief on the older's face.

Such contrasting emotions, yet Porchay can clearly distinguish between each and every emotions on Kim's beautiful features. He is pretty sure that he wasn't able to do such a thing before, then what changed now.

"Chay." Kim's voice sounds hoarse, but it's still has that lovely undertone to it. The one Porchay would die to hear everyday for his entire life. "Chay."

"Chay, my angel." Porchay feels like something is constricting his wind pipe and no matter how hard he tries he can't utter a sound.

But Kim doesn't push him. A soft smile graces the older's lips, always understanding. And sometimes Porchay hates the older for being so considerate of him at first and then go on to break his heart.

"My dear Chay." Porchay can feel the older choke on his own voice. He can feel the older everywhere, in his bones, in his blood, in his heart, in his soul.

It shouldn't be like this. He promised his heart not to stutter the next time he sees the older. Yet he can feel his emotions tumbling on eachother. He's confused as to what he's feeling right now.

But when Kim leans his head on his shoulder, holding the younger closer, Porchay feels the storm in his heart calming down, slowly yet steadily.

So he closes his eyes, basking in the warm feeling of having the older so close, so vulnerable, so open.

Porchay holds his breath as his hand reaches up to the older's dark locks. He hesitates for moment before threading his fingers through the lush locks.

And when Kim finally lifts his face, Porchay swears he never saw this many emotions swimming in the older's dark eyes. "My darling. I'll tell you everything. I'll apologize. Just, please don't leave me."

And Kim's voice cracks. "Why don't you stay?" Porchay swears he felt his heart soaring to the skies.

Without letting the older talk anymore Porchay attaches his lips to those of the older, this time in a bruising and soul searching kiss. He hopes, he pleads for the older to understand.

KimPorchay - Mend My Heart ✓Where stories live. Discover now