Gift from the Stars

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Mankind Had Forgotten We Reached The Stars Long Ago

The story of the sacred materials, found by the shore in a cave. The young men named Phaidros and Auxentios of the city of Athens, while stumbling about, south of the city, after their time at the tavern thought it miraculous to find such things. They decided, to stop anyone else from finding them, to sleep in the cave overnight. These materials shone, they were glittery and illuminous. They weren't sure what to actually do with these materials but after the sun had set and the men were sitting on the edge of the cave looking out at sea, under that beautiful dark blanket dotted with sparkling diamonds we know as stars, Phaidros had an idea.

"I would like to sail to that edge so that I may fall over, hopefully into that night sky, Auxentios"

"Phaidros, you must have drunk more than I thought. As nice a thought that is..." he gestures with his hands. "um it's just not plausible"

"Why? because no one else had done it?"

Auxentios doesn't know what to say.

"We have these materials, we might as well try. However when we awake in the morning we may have come to our senses but I'm too tired and too drunk to start now"

"If you think we can, I will help you. Most definitely"

The men share a mischievous glance.

"I thank you, Auxentios for partaking in my insanity"

Auxentios laughs.

Phaidros turns to look at the stars again.

"You're welcome" Auxentios says quietly.

As the stars and constellations glided along the sky, Phaidros and Auxentios grew tired and fell asleep in front of their newly found hoard. The sea ran to and fro from the shore, it's sound hypnotic and soothing, the stars distorted in it's silky waves as time ticked by.

 The sea ran to and fro from the shore, it's sound hypnotic and soothing, the stars distorted in it's silky waves as time ticked by

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