Will This Legend Stay In The Stars?

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Their trek was heavenly. These gentlemen of Athens had defied everything. Their eyes, so unaccustomed to such sights the solar system had to offer. The rings of Kronos, Zeus' moons, The smaller planets of Hermes, Aphrodite, Ares bestowed their celestial beauty upon the two men.

"I very much doubt I'll ever witness something as beautiful as this again, Phaidros"

"It's a shame we cannot land, Aux. So that we may explore these new worlds"

"Yes...I might be inclined to stay" Auxentios raises his eyebrows at him.

"Really? You don't miss Athens?" said Phaidros, concerned.

"I do, I do, but how often will we see this, my fellow son of Athens."

"True...how will we ever adjust to the magnificent city of Athens again" he says over dramatically.

Auxentios rolls his eyes and smirks at him. He loved it when Phaidros was like this. He'd seen the other less than lovable side to him, not entirely Phaidros' fault for him being that way either, but not everyone had understood like Auxentios did. Auxentios had stuck by him all this time after all.

"We never will. We'll have to move every six months just to stave off the boredom" Aux said while trying not to laugh but failing.

"I'm sure Lykos will be pleased with us. Up and leaving when we have work to do"

Auxentios laughs so hard he falls off his seat.

"Can you imagine his face, Phai? Imagine the look on his face upon telling him that plan.."

Phaidros tries to hold back a laugh but then announces:

"Imagine his face upon telling him we've left Earth travelled to the stars and then had the audacity to come back to Athens"

Auxentios scream laughs as his beautiful face turns a shade of cherry red Phai had never seen before. He quite enjoyed seeing him so happy. It made him happy inside, something he needed to feel.

Auxentios eventually calmed down, though his grin remained, Phaidros then asked him a very important question:

"Should we tell anyone about this, Aux? Or will this legend stay in the stars?"

Auxentios began stroking his beard, thoughtfully.

"Depends... what's the downside of telling others?"

"They might think we've gone mad" he pauses "People already think that of me anyway, right?"

"No no no don't you dare say that Phaidros son of Philadelphos " Auxentios is serious for a moment then smirks as he sees Phaidros pout, not taking him seriously.

"Phaidros, I cannot let you think such infuriating lies are the truth. You are a great man, I might dare say a visionary. We wouldn't be here now without you. This great adventure, without your vision and determination would simply have been a dream we would dreamt of every other night otherwise."

"Aux, I know what they think. I'll never change their opinion of me"

"They don't matter. I know who you really are" Aux looked the blonde deep in his eyes.

"I thank you for sticking by me, Auxentios" said Phai, his voice raspy.

"I thank you for letting me, Phaidros"

Phaidros shyly smiles and averts Aux's gaze.

The boat began to get sucked into the orbit of Iapetus. It's unusual colour caught the attention of the men. 

"Aux" Phai finally looks up "We're going to have a lot of kosmos based jokes our friends won't understand"

"They don't understand the ones you tell anyway" Aux says faux serious.

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