Our Place In The Stars

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The radiant orange, pink and gold light of Eos' sky, like a pristine mural on a temple wall dedicated to her, shone into the cave. Helios on his chariot was about to bring up the sun on the horizon. Phaidros stirred. Today they would return to their actual home somewhere on a quiet street in Athens. Today also they would return to work. 

Phaidros could feel Auxentios' breathing on the back of his neck. He thought this odd since the boat was between them. He didn't think too much of it and rested for a while longer.

Meanwhile Auxentios' dream consisted of him and Phaidros (obviously) floating in an ever changing colour galaxy. Light and stars surrounded them as the gods looked upon them with kind eyes. Somewhere in the distance their boat was also floating but the more Auxentios tried to look at it the more it was difficult for him and he couldn't figure out why. Eventually the boat started to float away until it was a tiny speck of haunting pale light. Auxentios tried to pull Phaidros towards him to tell him what just happened but suddenly he began to spin, it wasn't unpleasant but there was a sadness within. Then he jolted up, wide awake.

"Phai" he exclaimed, eyes wide looking at the roof of the cave.

Phaidros immediately turned to him.

"The boat" said Phaidros shocked.

Auxentios then turned his head.

"The boat" he said in even more shock.

Phaidros then looked at his companion.

"One of your dreams again, my dear Auxentios" a small grin forming on his lips.

"You know it, Phaidros"

They both then felt the area where the boat had once been. It was colder than the rest of the cave. The ground was also softer. This sadly would remain a mystery to the men.

They both eventually got up and prepared to return to their house in Athens. Lykos was in for an ocean full of jokes that he would never understand. The men would never look at the sky the same way ever again. They would appreciate its beauty even more so.

On their way out they turned to look at the cave where this adventure  had begun. Phaidros then put his arm around Auxentios' shoulders.

"Come on before it starts to get sad" he said softly.

"It won't get sad Phai. We can always come back"

He smiled at the sensitive brunet.

They started to walk off as the sun blazed with every step they took.

"I hope that old man's mind is sharp today for the amount of jesting i'm going to be doing" laughed Phaidros.

"I hope that old man's mind is sharp today for the amount of jesting i'm going to be doing" laughed Phaidros

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"We've surely earned our place in the stars now"

And so they returned home. Lykos' mind was indeed sharp the moment they returned to work. However he would never hear the end of such celestial jokes for the rest of his days. The men lived in relative peace despite Athens many troubles through the years. Their adventure was mere gossip but to the right trustworthy person they would confirm their adventure to the stars and beyond. After the fall of many great empires and indeed Athens itself, their story faded into obscurity and eventually myth but in some form they resided in the stars forevermore.

The End

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