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After I get into the car I cry like I've never cried before. Just when I thought everything could be perfect it all turned into a huge disaster. I loved him, I actually did and the betrayal I feel right now is destroying me piece by piece. I can't believe what I saw with my own two eyes. The fact that I'm pregnant makes everything ten times worse.  I hate him, I really do. The fact that I fell in love with a complete fake hurts me so much. 

I tell the driver to take me back home so I can pack my stuff and get as far away from here as possible. He nods politely pity clear on his emotionless face. the tears keep streaming down my face feelings of anger, sadness and disappointment eating me up inside. Memories of the past few months keep replaying over and over in my head. His voice keeps replaying in my head every single sweet thing he's ever said to me keeps replaying over and over again. Was this all a big joke to him? I can't believe he was faking all this time. 

I wonder if he even cares about his child at all. I wonder if he even cares about me at all. The drive to the estate takes about 25 minutes and the second the car stops in front of the huge mansion he bought for "us" I run out of it. I run upstairs and throw in everything I own in suite cases leaving a few things behind because of how fast I'm trying to leave. I go in the bathroom and pack my toiletries. I throw every single gift he's gotten me on the bed and grab both my suitcases and head down stairs. 

I walk towards the front door and before I leave I send him one last text. 

Me: I loved you so much even if you didn't, I hope you enjoyed toying with me like you do with every other girl. I'm sorry I thought I was different and I'm sorry I gave such a miserable person like you a chance, thank you Atlas for showing me that men in our world are all the same, you opened my eyes, I'm leaving and I'm not cruel enough to never allow you to see your child but I don't want you to be apart of this pregnancy, so I will be leaving with no trace till I give birth to my beautiful child, I live for them now because you opened my eyes to a lot of things, I don't want to see you again Atlas but sadly we will be in each others lives forever because of this baby, don't try to look for me because there is no point, congratulations Atlas Angelo you have officially broken me.  

I leave my phone on the console table next to the door so he won't be able to track it and head to the safe in his office and fill up a bag of money. I call an old friend that lives in England and ask if I can stay with her for a while using a burner phone. I also call my private pilot, so he can get the private jet that I have here in New York that Atlas doesn't know about ready for the trip.

I look around once more before I step foot out the front door. I'll miss New York I grew quite found of it, but it was always meant to be a prison I could never get out of. I make two more calls one to my lawyer and ask her to send divorce papers to the estate, and the other to my parents back home telling them they won't hear from me for a while but I'll be fine before I throw the burner phone near the estate. The panic in my mothers voice replaying in my head on my way to the airport. 

I get on the plane to Bradford, England terrified of what's going to happen next. It's me and this baby against the world now. I grip onto the leather plane seats next to me as the plane takes off. I don't like flying a lone let alone flying alone. 

I don't know what this means for the future of my mafia but what I do know for sure is I will never ever be able to live with that man or stay married to him ever again. Every time I think of him the feeling of disgust and distaste engulfs my body. I can't believe I fell for the same type of man I tried my whole life to stay away from.  I let my guard down too fast and I'm most disappointed in myself. 

My friend Liz texted said she'll be waiting for me when I land in Bradford. I have about 20 minutes till landing and anxiety has been eating me up from this 7 hour flight. To say I'm an emotional reck is an understatement. I don't want anyone to see me like this from this day on. 

I'm saying goodbye to the person I was and becoming the mother my son or daughter deserves. I'm Bella Ramiro and that will never change no matter what my last name is. 

Indefinite (Book 2) (⚠️book paused until further notice)Where stories live. Discover now