Hate: Chapter 2

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1 week later 

My life's been the same for the past week, actually my life has been the same for the past 8 months. I'm currently 34 weeks pregnant and I feel like a bubble about to burst. Liz and I are prepared for anything because sometimes twins come out earlier than expected. 

After I read the note Andres gave to me I wanted to discard it so bad, but I ended up just stuffing it into one of my favorite bags and forgetting about it's existence. I never told Liz who Andres was or about the note and decided to keep it to myself. 

It is January 14 and I already felt the babies kicking like crazy, I've gotten a few contractions but not to alarming. I decide to go to the store to grab a few things while Liz is working. I get dressed in a black tee and throw on a purple hoodie and leggings, I also grab one of my favorite bags. I waddle my way out of the house and to my black Mercedes.

I make it to the store fine, but when I was shopping around I feel this excruciating pain in my stomach. it was a really bad contraction, after the pain went away I continue shopping about 4 minutes later the pain comes back again. I didn't know what to do I was all alone in a grocery store probably ready to give birth. 

I start timing my contractions like I read when I was researching all this pregnancy stuff. and they are all about 5 minutes apart, I'm in so much pain right now I can't even see straight. I reach in my bag for my phone and try to call Liz multiple times but her phone is off. She always turns it off while she's at work and I can't seem to see why. 

I'm panicking, my body is breaking out in a cold sweat. I don't know anyone else that lives here in England except.... I end up finding the note and dialing the only other person I can call right now. His silky voice answers right away after the first ring "hello?" he seems confused. I manage to get myself to speak up "Hey Andres". He clears his throat and his serious silky voice turned to a more passionate version "Hi love, what's up?" he says his voice laced with a hint of worry. I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding "I'm sort of in the grocery store next to my house and I think I'm about to go into labor and my friend Liz isn't answer and I don't really know anyone else in England that can help me and I'm pretty sure I'm unable to drive right now so can you please come and get me and take me to the hospital if you can?" I let out in one big breath. 

He slightly chuckles at my distress and I hear shuffling and a car unlocking , "Of course love I'm already on my way can you wait 5 minutes?" I let out a sigh relived trying to ignore the aching pain "yes, yes I can wait thank you" He doesn't let me hang up until he gets here and I'm in his car on our way to the hospital. 


It's been almost 9 months without seeing Bella or hearing from her and I have never regretted something more in my life. I never intended on hurting her but when she left she sliced my heart open and left it bleeding barely able to keep me alive. I miss her so much and the woman has made it nearly impossible to find her. I'm in the goddamn Italian mafia for Gods sake how can't I find one of the most important people in the criminal world, it's utterly ridiculous. It's like the ground opened up and swallowed her and my child leaving no trace behind. 

My child, every time I think of her and my unborn child my chest stings as if someone is repeatedly pulling a dagger out of me over and over again. I fucked up, but just like everyone I have my reasons. I want my wife and child back and I am willing to do anything and everything to get them back here. Bella's parents are freaking out, her mom cussed me out in both English and Italian calling me every name in the book. I don't deserve this though, I really don't. Bella is the love of my life and I'm going to do everything possible to bring her back to me, to her home. Bella Angelo is mine and she will always be mine no matter what. 

Leo bursts into my office room not bothering to knock, "Boss we found her she was just signed into our joined allied hospital in England". What the fuck is Bella doing in England I think to myself. "And you won't believe this but Andres Hernandez was the one who signed her in" I sprout out of my chair with a shocked expression plastered on my face "tell them to get the private jet ready I'm going to England" I say hastily 

I tell Mya our new house keeper to get my bags ready and the moment she finished packing I placed the bags into the trunk and had the driver speed to the airport. 

The 13 hour flight was nerve recking I let my men over here know I was arriving through the phone when I was in New York and told them to send two body guards to the airport with a car. 

Once I got off the plane and into the matte black SUV I direct the driver to drive to our private mafia hospital in London the drive was about 40 minutes. I burst through the hospital doors excitement engulfing me. I ask the front desk lady what room Bella was in and she politely tells me the room and floor number not hiding the fact that she was checking me out. 

I make my way to the room I was told my wife was in and walk right in not bothering to knock. I'm utterly shocked by the sight I see Infront of me a tired Bella resting her head on Andres's shoulder with one baby in her hands and another in Andres's. The excitement I was feeling was now gone and replace with anger bubbling inside me. I clear my throat and they both snap there heads up from the babies. Bella looks as if she has seen a ghost and Andres looks angry. 

"What the FUCK are you doing her Atlas" Bella spits, nothing but venom lacing her voice. "I came to take you back home amore" I say my voice almost pleading. She lets out a laugh as if what I just said was the most amusing thing she's ever heard in a long time "YOU aren't taking me any where" she grits out her fit of laughter completely stopping. "Like what nerve do you have coming her Atas" Andres finally decides to speak. That makes me even more mad "this is between me and my wife butt out" I grit out. 

He rolls his eyes "your so called wife doesn't want you here so get the fuck out mate". I glare at him "I don't need you to tell me to do anything mate" I mimic 

"Bella just let me explain what happened please I'm just asking for one conversation and then if you want I'll never enter your life ever again" I plead knowing I'm Bella's biggest weakness and she'll give me a chance to explain 

She sighs "fine, but not right now, not today I want to enjoy my children without remembering who their father is and how much I hate him" she says hurting me way more than she ever could. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2022 ⏰

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