Chapter Two

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TW: Swearing, Fire, Abuse, Smoking, Alcohol, homophobia

Sapnap stood there hugging the blonde for a while before finally pulling away from the blonde and grabbing his bag "let's go I need a smoke." The blonde nodded still confused on why the boy was so upset. He closed the door walking out and starting the walk down the road to the old abandoned house, Punz smiled holding up his bag the slight sound of glass inside "I brought an extra surprise too~" they both grinned and Sapnap relaxed a little walking upstairs to see that same brunette girl sitting in their bathtub he walked over and sat on the toilet and Punz sat up on the sink pulling out the bottle of vodka from his bag "oh also this is Sky my sister" the raven looked over his face shocked "oh I thought she was your girlfriend" Punz raised a curious eyebrow and Sky laughed leaning back in the tub, "is that why you were so upset?" Sap froze. He had been caught red handed what would Punz think he would hate him "um- ..yeah, I j-" he was cut off by the blonde kissing him their lips melting together, sapnap wanted to hate it he wanted to hate how the blonde taste so sweet, he wanted to hate how soft his lips were, but he couldn't. He loved everything but it was cut short when sky coughed loudly startling the two causing sap to knock over the bottle of alcohol Punz looked at the bottle for a moment before picking it up and rolling his eyes "look what you did stupid!" He laughed jokingly as the smaller brunette known as sky laughed too.

For hours the three stayed in the bathroom relaxing playing games and making memories next to that same broken mirror in the same broken house, by the same rusty bathtub.

At one point the youngest stood up jumping out of the tub to fake tackle Punz knocking over an automatic lighter and as all three saw it fall they froze in fear. Staring at what could possibly lead to their deaths, Punz grabbed sky jumping as far as he could as the lighter hit the ground causing the bathroom to go up in flames. The three grabbed as much as they could off the ground and counter cutting their hands on glass pieces the blood dripping down on the the creaking wood, and as soon as the fire had spread out of the bathroom they were out of the house sapnap staring up at the bright flames that were destroying his hideout, but to him it wasn't just a hideout that little broken bathroom was his home

Soon the fire trucks arrived dragging the three in seprate directions to be invested and questioned and all three were taken down to the police station, the entire way down sapnap was shaking and Punz was trying to comfort the raven, he knew that things would end up badly for the smaller boy at home when they arrived they all had their pictures taken sapnap and Punz sticking as close together as they could as sky rolled her eyes "I know now isn't exactly the time but your both gay as hell" Punz rolled his eyes lightly punching the girl in her shoulder and that left sapnap with that same question, he wasn't straight and he knew that now but it's not like he could do anything about it his mother would murder him if she found out.

Around an hour later the ravens mom had shown up and as always she was drunk and pissed she stormed over grabbing the raven and pulling him to the car already leaving bruises from grabbing at him and he knew it was going to get worse but that just gave him a greater reason to leave. To get out of that house as soon as he could. He hates it, he hated that dusty house that was always empty or full with the smell of alcohol

And god he hated those beautiful mirrors.

Sorry I know it's a shorter chapter but they should be getting longer soon and hopefully the next chapter will be mostly fluff-

Hope you enjoyed :D

~𝕭𝖗𝖔𝖐𝖊𝖓 𝖒𝖎𝖗𝖗𝖔𝖗𝖘~ || PunznapМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя