The Pollywog

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Another day came in for me to be at the table eating some bacon as Mom was looking for her keys yet again with Jonathan for me to roll my eyes on that, "Have you seen them?" Mom questioned as I looked around the table for the keys while my twin looked in his jacket, "We're looking, Mom." Jonathan says as I pick up the newspaper, no, not under there, "Yeah, we're....we're looking." Will answers maybe mom needs a tracker on her keys because she loses them all the danm time. It's so annoying, "A-ha! Found 'em." I heard Bob yell for me to smile, returning to my bacon, "Oh!" Mom says while covering her mouth for me to watch as Bob emerges, making me smile at my siblings, knowing that I love Bob. 

He is good at many things and makes mom happy: "Hiding under some jeans, sneaky little buggers." Bob says for Mom to go over to him, kissing his cheek for me to roll my eyes at them back to my food and reading the newspaper, "Thank you. Thank you. You're a lifesaver." Mom says as she turns to Jonathan and me as I am already dressed for school. I need to grab my jacket and bag, "Can you take Will to school today? I cannot be late again." Mom says as I hand her her jacket as she puts it on, "He's staying over now?" Jonathan whispers for me to poke him in the ribs. He can be so rude towards Bob. Why doesn't he leave Bob alone? He is a good guy, and we need more of them around here, "Can you just take Will, please?" Mom says, looking like she is ready to kill Jonathan right now on his words, "I can take him." Bob then says for us to look over at him, knowing he wants to score some browny points with us for I to tilt my head at him. 

"Will you make sure he gets in okay?" Mom says as I smile at Bob, knowing he is a keeper, "Yeah, of course.  What do you say, big guy? Wanna go for a ride in the Bobmobile?" Bob says for me to giggle on that as I cover my mouth on that as mom hits my head with newspaper for me to giggle a little more on that, loving that Bob is trying but calling his car the bobmoblie is so funny, "I like the name, Mr Newby", I say to him as I leave the table, "Bobmobile" I chuckle to myself to go and get ready for school while giggling to myself happy that he had a big smile on his face. 

I get in the car for Jonathan to drive me to school, "soooo, are you dating Hargrove now?" Jonathan has questions for me too. Look at him in shock, asking, "What?" I question, looking at my twin in shock, knowing he never questions my love life. I never question his this is new; I wonder what sparked this, "it seemed he was all over you last night", Jonathan says to me, too, as I then giggle at that for him to look at me like I'm on drugs, "he was trying to get into my pants Jonathan, he isn't someone that dates girls" I say as I roll my eyes to the outside watching the trees go by as Jonathan scoffs knowing I'm right, Billy would be a one time fling. Then he would dump me in the dirt. 

Later that day, I was waiting for Steve because we needed to talk about what happened last night, making me sit in the bleachers reading and watching the basketball practice. Me to look up seeing that Steve was on the ground for me, too; cringing at that looked painful. Hargrove then scores for me to narrow my eyes at him. Maybe I should have stayed in the library instead because I feel Billy's eyes are on me. It is hard to concentrate with him shirtless like that making me gulp and get those thoughts out of your mind Bec he isn't for you, "Whoo! That's what I'm talking about! Whoo!" one of the guys says for me to roll my eyes on that knowing that I hate basketball because you are always put in the front so all the attention is on you, "Steve?" I heard Nance and looked in that direction, seeing her standing there for me to smile. 

Sadly she doesn't remember last night. It seems poor girl and poor Steve. He needs someone that understands and loves him. I hope he finds it one day. Steve leaves for me to bring my book up to read a little. Still, then it is moved down for me to look up at the person with frowned brows on it being the guy that can't keep his eyes off me, Billy Hargrove, "hello Byers," he says with a smirk for me to smile a little at him to act friendly not wanting to pleasure to talk with him because the thoughts of last night come to mind, "hi" I answer moving my book back up for him to move it down again for me to sigh on that will people leave me alone for today, "you left me hanging last night, doll" he says to lean down to me as I am sitting there as I tilt my head at him why should he care, he would have a line of girls wanting a taste of him. 

Rebecca Byers (season 2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora