Dig Dug

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The whole house is covered in a blue tunnel drawing for me to drop my bag. Seeing Mom on the phone, I look at her in shock and horror at what she is going through yet again, it's like when Will went missing, and she thought he was talking in the walls, which he was, "Mom?" I question as she looks at me with tears in her eyes, "Beccie", she says, dropping the phone and running over to give me a big hug which I hold onto as I look around the room, "what happened?" I question as she draws back, looking at me in fear. 

However, it then goes to wonder as she touches my cheek that would still have the mark that Billy left there, "never mind that, what happened to your face?" she questions as I winch as she is stroking it, knowing it is sore, "its nothing mom, I fell over" I tell her as she looks at me with a really look knowing it sounds like a lie, "did Will have another episode?" I question, changing the topic as she sighs, raking her hands through her hair while watching me knowing this is scaring the shit out of me, "no this is something completely different", she says as I look around, bending down to touch the blue tunnel-like thing making me look at her, "where's, Hopper?" I question as I stand up with her shrugging her shoulders on that, not knowing it seems, "I don't know. He's not answering his phone or his radio", she says for me to bite my lip lightly. 

What are we going to do, "it's ok, I'm here now", I whisper, pulling her into my arms and hugging my mother, who seems upset at what is happening with Will. The following day after making cookies for Lucas and Dustin, I stand near the front door holding my bag strap tightly, "I'll be right back, don't do anything crazy while I'm gone", I tell Mom with her sighing while looking at me knowing that I started doing this when Will came back. But I will not stop. It's better than hanging out with Billy, who is a giant asshole and would do something I hate to think about, "ok but ride safely", she says, kissing me on the cheek as I nod on that leaving my little home to see Dustin first, I ride past Lucas on the way for me to shake it off as I ride to the Henderson place wondering if I can get a milkshake before going home after this. 

I was riding up the hill when Mrs Henderson was driving down it to stop rolling down her window smiling at me with red eyes like she has been crying, "oh hi Rebecca" she says for me to smile stopping my bike to put my foot down on the ground as I rest there looking at the kind lady, "hello Mrs Henderson, is Dustin home" I question as she nods on that trying to hold back tears it seems, "were looking for Mews, he's gone missing" she says for me to look at the house nodding on that knowing that sounds odd in these parts but pets go missing all the time for me to shake it off looking back to Mrs Henderson with a little soft smile, "I'll help Dustin look around here, Mrs Henderson, don't worry" I tell her as she smiles taking my hand making me to tilt my head with the smile still plastered on my lips, "thank you sweetheart" she says to let me go driving away as I ride my bike up the short drive way distance jumping off it as I then run over to the door banging on it wondering how I can help with finding the cat. 

"Dustin open up; it's Beccie", I call as the door is jerked open I look at the boy, who seems scared. That's a first, "Oh, thank god, come on", he instructs me to grab my arm, pulling me into the house to squeak at the sudden movement. Why do people do this to me? It's like they enjoy the mini heart attack I have. Dustin doesn't say anything as I am made to put hockey gear on for me to stand there, not impressed with what Dustin is doing as we make a trail of meat to the storm cellar with me holding the hockey stick, "Dustin, why are we doing this?" I ask as he stops looking at me with a really look under that mask that looks hard to see out of, "there is something in my room that might be from the Upside down, it looks like a Demogrogan, and it ate my cat, are you all caught up" he gets out in one breath for me to grab his arms then with shock and horror on that bending down to him knowing we need to get one thing straight, "what in the world are you doing with a Demogrogan in your room?" I hiss out as he knocks my hands away for me to frown at him knowing he is acting like a child in these moments. 

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