The Mind Flayer

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A/N: I skipped Chapter Seven because it's all about Eleven's sister, so I will write about chapter eight; sorry about that. 

The night is still in as we walk along the train tracks with flashlights for me to walk next to Max in the back, keeping an eye out for anything as I shine my flashlight into the forest, "You're positive that was Dart?" Lucas questions for me to look at him with a realistic look. It has to be Dart. Who else could it be one of his clones, "Yes. He had the same exact yellow pattern on his butt." Dustin answers as I walk next to Steve with me, not in the mood for this conversation or being with children the whole night, "He was tiny two days ago." Max then says, as I look at her, things can grow. 

It's like us. We grow up one day, "Well, he's molted three times already." Dustin answers for me to nod, which is disgusting to hear about, but still, he has done it, "Malted?" Steve questions for me to look at him, "Molted." I tell him as he looks at me, nodding on that, knowing he got confused with his moulting's, which I'll explain later, "Shed his skin to make room for growth like hornworms." Dustin says as we look at him. I sigh, not liking it. We are out in the woods to look for Dart that might kill us; oh, whose brilliant plan was this, oh that's right, mine, yay me, "When's he gonna molt again?" Max then asks for me to gulp in, wondering what he will look like when he molts again, maybe the Demogrogan size, "It's gotta be soon. When he does, he'll be fully grown or close to it. And so will his friends." Dustin says as I look at him that he will be a fully grown Demogrogan, then, oh, that will be fun. 

"Yeah, and he's gonna eat a lot more than just cats." Steve then says for Lucas to stop Dustin as I look at them on that, "Wait, a cat?" Lucas says for me to look at them as we stop for me to look around, knowing we can't just stop in the middle of the forest. They might be waiting for us, "Dart ate a cat?" Lucas continues for me to turn my eyes back to them with raised eyebrows, "No, what? No." Dustin says as Max stands beside me as I watch the boys, "What are you talking about? He ate Mews." Steve says for me to give him a look at that, knowing that we shouldn't be talking about this right now, and I think Dustin didn't want us to tell Lucas, "Mews? Who's Mews?" Max then asks as I smile a little at her knowing it is a cute cat that Dustin has that I love to pat, "It's Dustin's cat." I whisper to her as Dustin looks at us in shock. 

We would dig in the dagger more and twist it while it's there, "Steve! Beccie!" Dustin says as I put my hands up in defence. Lucas pushes Dustin to get his attention back to him for me to narrow my eyes at them, "I knew it! You kept him!" Lucas says for me to tilt my head, wondering what they are on about, "No! No. No, I No, I...He missed me. He wanted to come home." Dustin says as I raise my eyebrows, knowing it is shocking to hear, "Bullshit!" Lucas answers as Max looks at me as we shrug our shoulders; boys are all the same. I look at my watch for me to sigh, knowing no sleep will fall on me tonight because I am chasing creatures in the night, "I didn't know he was a Demogorgon, okay?" Dustin yells. It's such a good time to argue, "Oh, so now you admit it?" Lucas says for me to roll my eyes at Steve, giving him a look and tapping my watch as he nods, knowing we have to keep moving, "Guys, who cares? We have to go." Max says to the boys, for me to put my hands on my hips like a mother to her children. 

"I care! You put the party in jeopardy! You broke the rule of law!" Lucas yells for me to rub my temples then, hating this argument, "So did you!" Dustin then yells for me to go wide-eyed, looking at them as Steve looks at me and I look at him; we could be doing something better than this, "What?" Lucas questions. I watch the boys. They are arguing over a girl and a monster, which sounds odd, but that is what they are doing, "You told a stranger the truth!" Dustin says, pointing the flashlight in Max's eyes for that to sting as Max scoffs, looking offended by the word stranger, oh yay let her join in on the conversation, "A stranger?" she says for me to sigh, oh come on guys, not the time or place, "You wanted to tell her, too!" Lucas says as I watch the three. I want to leave now, but Steve and I hear growling for us to look that way. I tilt my head at that, knowing it has to be Dart. 

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