sobriety / klaus hargreeves

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after season one if they got back to there time after the explosion ok [ no 2nd apocalypse] 

Y/N pov 

when your in love with someone who is always either high or drunk out of their mind its hard to tell them how you feel because they never remember the next day, hopefully today will be different, i mean probably not but its worth a try right? i jumped from my spot on the couch hearing a knock at the door " coming one sec!" i stood stretching with a sigh going over to the door opening it to see " Klaus? what are you doing here?" i question raising an eyebrow as i move letting him waltz into the apartment " its very weird " closing the door i walk over to him as hes spinning in my apartment, crossing my arms i question" whats weird?" he shook his head spinning around my small living room for a second time " sobriety " my eyes widen arms falling to my sides as i realize what he said " your sober?" i lean against the wall as he falls onto the couch stretching out completely " yep" i frown moving to sit on the other side of the couch lifting his legs and resting them on my lap " why'd you come here though?" he shakes his head eyes squinted slightly " you ask to many questions" he says waving his hands at me "Klaus I'm serious" he sat up slowly pulling his knees to his chest " your the only person i know who'd believe me" he whines as i nod looking over to see him sadly looking at the corner mumbling " you talking to Ben or being all sad hmm?" i question with a smile as i put a hand on his shoulder 

Klaus pov

its weird being sober especially the part when you remember everything around you like how amazing and shiny Y/N's smile is and how warm his hand is and how cute he looks "i wish i had been sober sooner" he tilts his head slightly with a questioning look as i feel my face heat up when he chuckles // wow he has an amazing laugh // my eyes widen as i watch him stand and stretch " would you like something to eat?" he asks as i stare at him as his shirt lifts slightly //hes taller than i remember, or do people just look small when your high?// " please " i respond shakily with a smile standing watching him move over to the kitchen " you should stop being scared and tell him" ben whispers behind me causing me to groan "ben really that annoying huh?" Y/N says turning around with a bowl of chips and a few beers " a little bit yeah" i smile taking the beer from him " so other than ben, my house haunted at all?" he questions, i put down my beer and frown " no no its not" i sighed looking right into his eyes " you are Y/N, every time i see you there's a woman behind you" i look behind him he looks so confused as i look at this lady" tell him who i am, please he needs to know"   i shook my head " i don't know who you are how could i tell him lady?!" i yell standing up turning around " klaus, what does she look like?" i turn back around looking towards  the woman once more" shes taller than you, blond, blue eyes i believe " his eyes seem to widen at the description i had given, i sigh as he looks to the floor leaning against the counter " are you ok Y/N?" he shook his head looking back up at me tears in his eyes " no not really, that sounds like my mom, i never even knew how she died" i look back to the woman realizing her dress wasn't actually red " eesh, ok well i don't think you'd wanna know" he shook his head and i walked over to him my arms stretched out he looked towards me walking into my arms hugging me tightly sniffling i frown and sigh " tell him klaus" " i really don't think this is the best time for that ben!" i yell towards my brother M/N looking up at me in the process "what is he talking about ?" he pulls away wiping his eyes once again looking to me 

ben pov [because ghost boi]

// oh my god I'm gonna kill him if he doesn't tell him // " i well i appreciate you letting me be here but i should get going " M/N then nods walking to the door with klaus behind him " thank you for letting me know about my mom klaus and good luck with sobriety " he smiles as klaus walks out the door shutting behind him as he started to walk to the elevator i frowned standing in front of him " look ben it wasn't a good time ok?" i cross my arms glaring at him " any time your sober works and we don't know how long that will last, go. tell. him. NOW" i yelled pointing to his door as klaus groaned " i just told him he's possessed by his mom ben is it really good to-" "turn around. knock on the door, and kiss him, go do it" i frown watching klaus turn around and walk to M/N's door afraid hand going up to knock before it drops back down "what if i mess up our friendship?" i shook my head standing beside him " either you tell him or your in love with him through it all " 

M/N pov

" your not cheddar your just some common bitch" i chuckle hearing my favorite line once again watching brooklyn 99 before i hear a knock at the door pausing the show i stood and stretched before walking over to the door opening it noticing klaus i smile going to say hi before i feel his lips on mine his hands resting on my hip and neck my eyes close as i calm kissing back arms resting on his chest as he then pulls away i pant looking back up at him " i wanted to tell you earlier but i kinda told you that your mom was haunting you and-" " shut up and kiss me again" i said pulling him back in closer running my fingers through his dark brown curls i pull away once more needing air " i was gonna tell you the same thing" i look into his eyes smiling " i love you" his hand comes to rest on my cheek " i love you too" 

finally finished this one kinda hard to go along but yeah anyway 

1150 words

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