savoir/ sam winchester x reader

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i have realized ive made 3 dean fics but none of sam so i have used this imagine as reference 

Y/N pov

i hated these rides the one where i had to find and save people, dean was busy with cas, i mean i dont mind going to save sam ive loved him for a while but, ive kept it a secret for a while to, i just hope to our shitty god that i dont blurt it out

timeskip to cabin

i sigh getting out of the car hiding as i see the cabin lights on and a clear shadow of sam in the window, // vamp maybe?// half an idea started to form in my head as i smiled aiming at a tree on the side of the wood cabin i shot the tree just low enough to make a sound, i heard a grunt and saw a shadow run out of the house with that i ran into the cabin as quiet as i could to see sam hung up on the the ceiling by his wrists, unconcious // god dammit sam ask for help next time !// i hear a bang as i go to hide behind anything, lucky me there was a cabinet big enough, i cover my mouth as i hear a loud crack and a groan "wake up winchester ive got buyers" i close my eyes as i hear a gush noise and a small scream mixed with a whimper, i turn a bit and look at sam " go ahead kill me i dont care anymore" my eyes widen once i hear him speak // this is not happening, i cant let him die// i push the cabinet letting it fall as the guy turns to look at me sams gaze falling on me as i growl " yeah im not letting that happen, i run forward dodgeing as the man goes to punch me pulling his arm past my body kicking him into the wall as he stands i cock my gun aiming it at him as his eyes widen i shoot " sometimes humans are the real monsters right sam?/ i question looking over to sam seeign a few new wounds on him since i last checked 


after fixing him up the ride started quiet sam looking out the window arms crossed " could you say something, gee thanks for saving me from a psycho maybe?" i say turning to him then back to the road, out of the corner of my eyes i see him straighten and look out the front " who asked you to save me ?" he said my eyes widen, i clear my throat turning into a motel parking lot " stay here " he scoffs as i get out and pay for the room, once i get out of the office i see sam standing by the car a frown on his face unwavering, i sigh walking over passing him the key, " go to the room ill meet you there" without a response he does so as i lean against the car my phone in hand 

short brother: you find him yet ?

gay hunter: yeah we are at a hotel see you in the next few days

short brother: that work's see you soon

i sigh putting my phone away running a hand through my hair walking over to the room seeing the bathroom door open right as i walk in " i don't know why your so mad i saved you" i say quietly closing the door as sam sits on the bed head in his hands " i deserve to die Y/N im a freak" he says as i frown walking over to him grabbing his shoulders " no you don't okay, and your not a freak " i sit beside him grabbing his hands in mine, before he tugs them away " no i am ok, i... i drank demon blood, i caused the apocalypse, more than once, i understand why everyone would hate me...why did you save me?" i sigh leaning back on the bed looking at the ceiling " honestly... " i say before i stand in front of sam looking him in the eyes " cause people love you ok, dean, jody, cas, ..... me, we all do maybe in different ways but...your cared for ok, i cant have you die not yet, not ever actually" i smile as he looks up at me " you love me?" i look away for a second sighing before moving down to kiss the moose

sam pov

"yeah, i do" he smiles pulling away, "now go to sleep we have a drive ahead, and you really should rest" i watch him walk over to the bathroom letting out a breath i didnt know i was holding still not believing he'd love a freak like me, i sigh running a hand through my hair getting off the bed taking off my shirt and the rest of my tattered clothes as i hear the shower start, i groan at the pain in my hip, moving to lie down in the shitty motel bed i hear the shower stop a bit later Y/N walking out in boxers slightly wet, i blush as he looks down to me shaking his head" your turning pink Sammy" he smiles as i laugh nervously looking at him " well i.. you" he climbs into the bed beside me " get some sleep alright?"

timeskip morning Y/N pov

i groan feeling something on top of me so i move the blanket a little to see sam lying on my chest, i smile realiving his small bit of sadness and him not being scared to die last night, i sigh feeling him move " geez sorry" he jerks up in bed realizing hes on top of me " no complaints " i smile and wink standing up " we got a bit of a drive you want food?" i kneel to look for a shirt " uh yeah sure" he smiles awkwardly moving to the bathroom  " this is gonna be a long ass  drive"

part 1?????

1020 words 

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