deanmon / dean winchester

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M/N pov

 Sam came back to the bunker last night with dean, dean had the Mark Of Cain, that hurt but what hurts more is i don't want to face him, I'm afraid of how hell act, with a sigh i push off the table walking over to the dungeon leaning against the wall in front of the door i listen to the brothers talk " just let me go live my life i wont bother you, what do you care ?" i hear from dean yell at Sam " what do i care ?" i hear him repeat as he starts to speak in Latin i walk into the room standing on the other side of dean " you think ill just sit here like Crowley getting all weepy while you shoot me up while screw that, i don't want this" he says eyes glued to Sam "yeah i pretty much figured that out " he says back turned to dean " you don't know if this is gonna work do you, you know i got a hell of a lot more running through me than just demon juice " Sam turns around needle in hand " Mark Of Cain got it" i shake my head looking at the man " that's right  " Sam walks closer to his brother needle in hand, ready to supply dean with the blood " buckle up" i look to Sam afraid of the potential outcome " Sammy, you know i hate shots " Sam audibly gulps looking at his brother " i hate demons" dean jerks forward eyes turning black at Sam hits him with holy water injecting the blood into him as he growls in pain " we got a whole bunch more of these to go, you could make it a lot easier on yourself" Sam says as dean smiles at him before grunting in pain, i run out of the room leaning on the wall as Sam follows me out grabbing my shoulders " are you okay?" i shake my head looking away from him afraid " i... i don't like doing this" he shakes his head pulling me into a hug " i know i don't either but its the only way we can fix him" i pull away from Sam running a hand through my hair "do you want to stay?" i nod walking back into the room, dean looking at me " what you gonna flee when i get stabbed again?" i look at dean growling at him moving to stand in the corner as Sam continues " for all you know you could be killing me " he says panting as Sam moved to grab another needle as i sigh "or... your just messing with me, either way the lore doesn't say anything about exceptions to the cure" Sam says sitting on the table as dean chuckles  "the lore, hunters,men of letters, what a load of crap it all is, you got nothing?" dean says looking around the room " you want me to debate you, this isn't even the real you I'm talking to " he says gesturing to his brother " oh its the real me all right, the new real me, the new me that sees things for what they really are, Winchesters do-gooders, fighting the natural order let me tell you something guys like me are the natural order its the way it was set up" he says frowning towards Sam " guys like me still gotta do what we can" he says glaring at his brother " don't be so full of yourself Sammy you see from where I'm sitting there ain't much difference from what i turned into to what you are " dean says " what exactly is that supposed to mean?" he says moving closer to his possessed brother " i know what you did when you were looking for me, and you" he says looking from Sam over to me "i know how far you guys went Crowley told me all about it so let me ask you which one of us is really the monster hmm, starting to come back to you now?" he smiles as i see Sam shake " you'd have liked to get there before the deal went down but you didn't really care for old Lester did you... oh and so you know, i killed Lester myself, and that wife of his married the tattoo guy " dean spits out as Sam slams his hand on the table " i never meant-"  " who cares what you meant that line that we thought was so clear between us and the things that we hunted ain't so clear is it? wow, you might actually be worse than me, i mean you took a guy at his lowest used him and it cost him his life and his soul, nice work " dean laughs as Sam shoves a needle into his neck, ah he screams and pants i cover my ears hating his pain, but this has to work weather it hurts him or not i need my dean back "let me ask you this Sammy if this doesn't work we both know what you gotta do to me right, you got the stomach for that Sam? " he yells as he looks to me " or maybe poor old M/N will have to do it right sweetheart?" Sam walks out of the room as i grab a chair placing it in front of dean as i sit glaring at him " its going to work, understand it will fucking work!" i scream grabbing his jaw as he growls at me " there's no way this goes, where it doesn't work " i toss his head away as i stand leaving the room him shouting after me i pass Sam in the hall nodding towards him walking into the library with a sigh i sit, // this better work, i cant lose him not this way// i sigh leaning in my chair "M/N!? i hear Sam shouts as i jump from my chair running over to him " what what is it?" Sam looks at me fear in his eyes " he got out" my eyes widen as i hear a door creak open and closed i see the demon knife in Sam's hand grabbing mine from the waistband of my jeans with a gulp i follow Sam going towards the control room, i sigh leaning against the wall "you know how to do this ill keep watch... sorta" i say as Sam walks to the alarm, setting it off the place is a blaze of red lights "i get it but hers the thing, i don't wanna leave not till i find the both of you" i hear dean yell over the alarm " Sammy, M/N your just making this worse for yourselves guys oh by the way you can uh blame yourself for me getting loose, all that blood you pumped into me to make me human well the less demon i was the less the cuffs worked, and that devils trap well i just walked right over it, it smarted but still" i here him shout " Sam, i got a plan" he walks over to me curious " we need to get him trapped in here while we do that we can get away from him for a bit longer cause well... he does want to kill us " i say as he nods " he knows we have the room keys we go into the room over leave this one open a bit and trap him" i smile as Sam follows my plan a bit later the natural lights are back on, hes in the room, Sam then runs and closes the door standing in front of it i stand behind him " that's your big move?" " listen dean, we were getting close okay i know your still in there somewhere just let e finish the treatments " Sam says as the room is replaced with silence " look dean-" i say before he starts to break the door down " you act like i wanna be cure, personally i like the disease " he continues to break the door wood flying our way in splinters " dean, look stop we don't want to hurt you " i say as looks out the door " that sucks for you, doesn't it because you really mean that" "look if you come out of that room i wont have a choice!" Sam shouts blade out in front of him " sure you will, and i know which one you'll make, ain't that right boys but see, here's the thing I'm lucky, oh hell I'm blessed because there's just enough demon in me that killing you two, ain't no choice at all" he says continuing with his barrage on the door " hey Sam start running now!" i yell as we sprint down the hall " Sammy, M/N" i here him yell as i gulp " c'mon boys, lets have a beer talk about it" i follow Sam panting knife tightly gripped in my hand " I'm tired of playing, lets finish this game " i listen to the footsteps down the hall ducking along with Sam right as a hammer lodges in the wall i jerk up placing my knife on deans throat "well, look at you baby, do it" he says i can feel my breath getting heavy looking right into his eyes " its all you" my hand falls as deans eyes go black Castiel grabbing him from behind " its over, dean its over" he says eyes going blue as i sigh


the three of us are in the dungeon Sam giving dean the last needle as i run a hand through my hair in worry looking at the man " what the hell are we doing to him, i mean even after i gave him all that blood he still said he didn't wanna be cured and that he didn't wanna be human" Sam says as i move to lean beside dean holding his hand "well i can see his point, you know only humans can feel real joy but also such profound pain this is easier // please wake up// i look up at dean as he starts to stir i let go moving back a bit as his black eyes go back to the beautiful emerald they reside " you look worried fellas" he says with a smile as Sam hits him with holy water and nothing happens " welcome back dean " Sam smiles as i grab the knife from my waist cutting the ropes fast pulling him up into a hug " oh hello sweetheart"  i smile into the crook of his neck " i thought i lost you for a minute " he pushes me away placing a hand on my cheek as i lean into his touch " you'd never lose me M/N promise" he says leaning down pressing his lips on mine as i grip his shirt tight kissing back " you know for once I'm happy to see that " Sam says as i pull away from dean with a chuckle " hey dean?" i say looking back towards him as him and Cass leave " yes?" i grab his face in my hands kissing him gently again " i love you so much " he chuckles hands on my hips " i love you too sweetheart" 

holy deanmon 1933 words

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