5. Proposition

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"I asked you for one thing!" Yoongi shouted once they had arrived at Yoongi's house.

He had gone to search for Taehyung once he woke up the next morning, hangovered. Only to find him half-naked, searching for his clothes in Seokjin's bedroom, the latter still deep asleep. Taehyung's eyes widened for being caught red-handed, and when Yoongi stormed out of the house, he followed suit, stumbling to dress and pick up all his things. 

Taehyung had to run to be able to catch the shorter boy, only stopping when Yoongi almost shut his house door on his face.

"Why are you so bothered?" Taehyung questioned vexed over Yoongi's dramatics, following him up the stairs until they reached the latter's bedroom. "What if I fall in love with Jin? What if I want to date him?"

"You can't!" Yoongi was almost fuming with anger and Taehyung just wanted to understand why it was so wrong of him to try to date Seokjin.

"Do you like him or something?" He asked the first plausible reason that came to his mind.

"What the fuck? No! Ew, no, of course not!" Yoongi quickly dismissed the idea with a dissatisfied grimace.

"Then fucking tell me why?!"

"Because..." Taehyung glared at him and Yoongi felt cornered, fidgeting all over, eyes avoiding him and mouth opening and closing, without a vowel coming to fruition.

"If you don't give me a fucking good reason, I won't follow your request." Taehyung gritted, massaging his temples and feeling tired. 

He barely slept that night, and he had drunk too much to even remember well what the fucking hell happened. Yoongi sighed and finally spoke after slumping his body on his bed.

"You two are my friends, and it's going to get weird. What if you two break up? I will have to choose one side." Taehyung opened his eyes to look pitifully at Yoongi, his tone softening as he spoke.

"I would never make you choose one side. Besides, he's your friend first. If shit gets weird between me and him, if we actually date and eventually break up-"

"What? You're gonna break up with me too?" Yoongi interrupted him, a pout that Taehyung had never seen ever on Yoongi's face, now protruding on his lips.

"You are being weird Min Yoongi," Taehyung concluded.

"Just please... don't date Seokjin, nor Namjoon or Hoseok, please." Taehyung sighed, not wanting to push Yoongi further.

And I did as he asked me, or at least tried, but I guess his friend didn't get the memo because Jin kept flirting with me. The weirder thing was that he only did it when Yoongi was around, but we never hooked up again, nonetheless.

I should've known back then that something was wrong. But even when Yoongi and Seokjin started a fistfight, I was clueless.

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