f. Graduation

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We ended up as fuck buddies for the next half-year or so, until one week ago. Also, he and Seokjin made amends and were tighter than before. Sometimes I thought Seokjin knew something I didn't, for the way he often looked at us. And I bet he really did, but he never spoke about it.

It was all going fine between us, just meaningless sex. It was basically only when one of us was stressed out or horny.

Yoongi stopped hooking up with random people, but he justified being tired of breaking other people's hearts and since things with us were easy, and we were not in love with each other, it was more convenient for him.

I never questioned that. It wasn't like we were exclusive or whatnot, but we weren't also seeing other people.

However, it was that inconclusive unnamed relationship that brought us to the fatidical day.

Our graduation party.

We had decided to come together, plus Namjoon, Hoseok, Seokjin, and their partners, but only as friends.

However, that deal quickly changed when Jimin approached me a few days ago.

He wanted to make peace with me since he didn't want to go to college with bad feelings of his high school days. We got to talk a lot, made amends, and he invited me to prom, just as friends.

Now, you see, I couldn't refuse!

Well, I could, but I chose not to because I kinda always planned on going with Jimin either way, and it wasn't like we're going as a couple, since his boyfriend would show up too.

Jimin told me about Jungkook, a junior he met on tutoring a couple of months ago. He wasn't from the same school as us and being younger and all, his parents were the ones who would bring him to the party.

So, to not arrive alone, Jimin asked me that favor, and I'm a cool guy, how could I leave him alone? We were friends after all, right? So what could go wrong?

"You don't mind, do you? Like, we are not exclusive, and I could use this goodbye memory with my first love." Bora said when she and Yoongi were shopping for their clothes for the party, the weekend before.

She had told the latter about Jimin's invite over ice cream and now Yoongi was looking at her with a frown, dropping his spoon inside the ice cream cup.

"Do whatever you want."

Bora felt a pang in her heart. For some reason she expected Yoongi to tell her not to go with Jimin, but why would he? It wasn't like they were exclusive.

"Don't be mad Yoonie, you can find another prom partner in no time. After your short hiatus, the boys and girls must be thirsty to have you back." Bora teased, hating to say those words.

She didn't want Yoongi to go with anyone else, besides his friends, but Bora thought it was selfish of her to ask him that.

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