"He can't protect you"

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Everybody was downstairs waiting for Shallow to join them. They heard her running downstairs like she never did. "Guys guys! Check this!!! " She sat on the floor and put the book down"
"That's...one, thick book, it's bigger than my physics book from school" Damian compared them.

"You didn't even go to school dummy" Kalli chuckled. "You're wasting my time, tell me what's about it Shallow" green-eyed guy said.
"So, you all know that I don't have any powers. Well this book contains allll powers that are possible to get. And I found something..ehe hem..."the demons rule, is a power which usually comes at age of 20-30. People that usually don't get their power,get this one later in their tweenies. To summon your demon, imagine the look, and you will get him. The demon comes from their world, that has everything like humans, but also have their own culture" Shallow read.

"Ooo, well, what are you waiting for, summon your demon!" Damian insisted.
"Alright, hmm...how should he look like? Oh I know! He will have dark red faded hair, with a black tip...maybeee..
Black eyes!" She decided fast.
"Sounds good enough, what now?"
Kalli asked. Instead of an answer, Shallow closed her eyes and imagined her demon. Suddenly, a small, black&red egg appeared in front of her. "...oh?" Shallow said in disappointment. "That's it?" She added. Before anyone could say anything else, the egg started cracking. It broke into two. A small, chubby, demon came out.

"Awhhh! Look at him! He is so small you can hold him in your hands!" Kalli screamed. "...that, is supposed to help her? No, I'm outta here"
Logan sighed. "Oh come on dude! Damian raised his hand, calling Logan over. "Don't be like that!"
But Logan didn't seem to turn around to look into his eyes.

"What's your name little one?" Shallow bended down to look into his small, chubby face"

It took him a moment to realise what she just said, he opened his mouth and words just got out. "I'm Ezekiel from demon world, I'm here to serve my owner to the end of their life, I'm on your service" He said, not taking his eyes off Shallow. "Well, hi there Ezekiel, I'm Sh-" But Ezekiel suddenly cut her. "Shallow, that is Logan, Damian, Kalli and her snake khalifa." He said, pointing at everyone saying their names. "Are demons supposed to know all that...?" Damian said, looking all worried. "I scanned Shallow's brain, I know who you all are" He spoke once again. "Oh so now he is creepy as well, let's just go to the pool, I'm getting tired of this" Logan said.

(# At the pool #)

Everybody was swimming, splashing each other and having fun. Ezekiel was sitting outside the pool with Logan, looking at them having fun.

(# At home (sorryyy) #)

Shallow stretched, letting out a loud sigh. "That was good, I really needed some time relaxing."
"It would have been more fun if Logan got in the pool with us tho, but nooo..."I dOnT lIkE wAtEr"" Damian said in a tiny voice. Logan threw an apple on him "you're getting on my nerves Damian" He says, looking at Damian with a stare telling him that he is not in mood. "*Yawns* I'm tired...I'll go sleep, see you guys tommorow" Shallow said getting up and leaving the living room silent.

She entered her room, took a deep breath to feel the refreshing smell. Ezekiel was sitting on her bed waiting for her to leave the bathroom. Shallow finally came out, turned off the lamp and relaxed on her fluffy blanket. "Mm...fluffy" she mumbled to herself. After everyone else left the living room. To go sleep. Logan took his way to Shallow's room. He entered slowly, in case she was asleep, but she was sitting in her bed, chatting with Ezekiel. Who wasn't a chubby baby anymore, but an adult demon, taller than Logan himself. " *Sigh* Explain this... transmission of yours" Logan said giving Ezekiel a weird look. "Oh, Ezekiel explained it to me. And it just appears to be that is normal. All the demons come out of small eggs, then They turn into their real look over night." Shallow gave him an answer.

"However, can you order your...guardian to give us a moment?" Logan asked. "uhm...sure" silver-haired girl replied, giving Ezekiel a command to leave. "What is it?" She asked him. "Look, I know that you're happy that you finally have a power, but I don't trust him. I mean, really...he comes from some demon world you've never heard of, and you think that he is here JUST to keep you save? That's not how it seems" He complained. "But he seems like a nice guy Logan, he really does. And besides, Damian and Kalli already like him!" She spoke louder.

-"It's not it Shallow, please, just...I need you to trust me"

-"what? You want me to make him leave? He is an absolute master! He is strong, he can help us in the missions!"

-"Don't make it sound like that now, I just want to keep you saf-"

-"Why? I have Ezekiel now, I don't need you bugging me around all the time"

-"what? I'm not saying tha-"

-"And anyways, who cares? I trust him. Why don't you too? Why Logan?!"

-"Beacuse he can't protect you!"

Logan realized that he raised his voice a bit late. He stopped the moment he saw Shallow get angry. But it didn't take her much to relax again.

-"I understand, but this is my choice"

-"...I was just here to say that, I'm not going to make it any more difficult"

He mumbled, and left the room silently.
Just then, Ezekiel teleported back.

-"If I'm bothering, it's fine. I can leave anytime"

Ezekiel said looking deep into Shallow's eyes.

-"What, no, it's fine I promise, let's just sleep you must be tired too"

She said and just layed down to sleep.
But little did she know...Ezekiel kept watching her sleep

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