1. Another dream

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Sarah's mom had just moved to Somerville Boston from Maine. her mom and dad figured it would be a good fresh start. Sarah wasn't fond of the idea of moving away from all of her friends, but she concluded it would be good to get away from the places in which many bad memories took place. her dad stayed back in Maine, along with Celia. now Sarah and her mom live alone together in Boston.

Sarah's dream/(memory): (takes place age 11)

"what are you doing in here? get out!!" Celia yells at Sarah crying after she walked into Celia's room uninvited, wanting to just say hi. "okay! jeez!" Sarah says back offended. 'asshole' she thinks to herself. Sarah slammed Celia's bedroom door behind her. 

almost an hour goes by -

Sarah is sitting on the couch downstairs, scrolling through TikTok. Celia walks down the stairs and into the kitchen. Sarah notices her sister is wearing a hoodie and sweatpants, her straight blonde hair falling out of the hood pulled over her head. "are you okay?" Sarah asks her sister genuinely concerned. Celia stops walking for a moment and turns to face Sarah. she notices Celia's eyes are puffy and red "i'm fine," she responds and shoots Sarah a fake smile.Celia never wore a hoodie and sweatpants at the same time. it was always one or the other, sometimes neither.

Sarah nodded accepting what her sister said, even though she didn't believe her. when Celia went back upstairs to take a shower, Sarah went out the front door to where her dad was working. "i think somethings up with Celia," she spoke shyly to her dad. "she was crying earlier and she's being secretive." "i'm busy," her dad said "come back later." Sarah rolled her eyes, and started walking back inside. a few minutes passed by and Sarah heard Celia calling her name from upstairs. "Sarah could you get me a towel?!" Celia called. "yeah sure, one sec" Sarah sat up from her seat on the couch and walked up the stairs and to the closet. she grabbed a towel and knocked on the bathroom door to signal she was coming in. "here's your tow-" Sarah was interrupted by Celia's arm reaching out from behind the shower curtain. Sarah's heart sank. 

deep cuts were spread out on Celia's forearm. Sarah knew it was no accident. "Sarah- the towel?" Celia says waving as tears started to fill Sarah's eyes. "right- sorry" she handed Celia the towel and rushed out of the steamy bathroom. she rushed to her room, and slammed the bedroom door behind her when she entered. 

~dream ends~



This chapter is a dream Sarah is having, but its really a memory. next chapter you explore different peoples POV's (maybe). i hope you enjoyed this chapter, everything is explained later on by Sarah. thank you sm for reading!! <3

P.S -- SORRY I FORGOT TO MENTION THIS -->  Celia is two years older than Sarah!!

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