3. Truth Comes Out

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Sarah's POV:

i had agreed to go to the triplets house for the night, but refused to go swimming with them. maybe they would see my cuts. what if they make fun of me? what if they think i'm crazy? what if they don't want to be friends with someone who hurts herself? i think Matt saw me panic when Chris asked to go swimming. i wonder what he thinks of me now. 

when we got to their house we all sat down on their couch and picked out a movie to watch. we ended up picking the power rangers movie, me and nick chose it. i was leaning on nicks shoulder, sharing a blanket with him. i had my feet on Chris's lap, and Matt was on the other side of Chris than i was. the movie was over, nick was asleep and Chris had gone to his room. me and Matt got up, "where am i sleeping?" i ask him quietly so i don't wake up nick. "either fall asleep alone with Chris, go to bed alone without nick, or fall asleep with me." Matt says. i'm so nervous around Matt and i don't have a clue why. "ill go with you i guess" i smile at him. "okay ill bring you to the bathroom so you can get changed." he said gesturing for me to follow him.

we got to the bathroom and i closed the door behind me. i got undressed. "fuck!" i say whisper-yelling. "what is it?" Matt says still standing by the door. "i just forgot to pack something to sleep in." i say confused on why he's still there. "i gottchu" he says, as he leaves for a second. he returns shortly with a pair of sweatpants and a ransom tee. "here" he says knocking at the door. i open it a little bit, and notice his head is turned away from the door, only his arm is through. "thanks," i say blushing. "anytime" he says as if it will happen again, which makes me blush even harder. i get changed into the sweats and tee Matt gave me. he's still there waiting for me when i walk out, "right this way" he says pointing for me to go ahead of him. "thank you kind sir." i say with a smile on my face. i get into his bed, the side closest to the wall. i get under the covers as he turns the light off. "goodnight Sarah" he says to me before yawning. his contagious yawn spreads to me, i yawn. "goodnight Matt" and i drift off to sleep.

Sarah's dream:

Sarah's visiting Celia in the hospital, just her and her sister. Sarah looks over her shoulder for two seconds, and realizes it gets really quiet immediately. she's confused and turns back around. the room that was just full is empty. "Celia?!" Sarah calls for her sister. "Celia! where did you go?!"



⚠️if you are not comfortable with gore, skip over the next paragraph (in italic) as it will be gory, bloody, and possibly triggering for some people!!⚠️


Sarah walks up the stairs, where the medical rooms are. every room is empty, but for some reason she gets the urge to find room 302. she walks down the empty hallways, looking for room 302. the only sound she can hear is the sound of the lights buzzing, and her calls for Celia. finally, room 302. the door is cracked open, and she see and broken window, and glass shards spread out on the floor. "Celia?" Sarah asks quietly as she slowly opened the door wider. The door creaks loudly. "Celia? are you in here?" Sarah asks once more. she sees Celia sitting in the corner of the room. a shard of glass in her hand, and gashes all down her forearms. she can barely even see the gashes because of how much blood there was everywhere. Sarah goes blind with how many tears are in here eyes. "NO! CELIA!!" She shouts. Sarah can barely see her sister in the corner, but she see the figure of her sister collapsing onto the cold cement floor. "CELIA!!!! NO!!!!!"  Sarah shouts as she tries to run to her sister, but she not moving anywhere. she cant move. no matter how hard she tries. "HELP! SOMEBODY!" sarahs sobs break up her words. she cant get to Celia in time. its too late...


⚠️safe to read from now on <3


Matts POV:

i woke up to my bed shake, i saw Sara drenched in sweat, breathing insanely heavy, and sobbing. "Sarah?! what happened?! are you okay?!" i say to her as i sit up immediately and pull her into a tight hug. she's still breathing really heavy and crying really hard. "shhhh... its okay, it was just a dream, okay? i've got you." i say, "deep breaths.. in... and out. in... and out." i say as she follows my lead. when she finally calms down, i say, "lets get you a change of clothes." she nods her head and i get up and get her new sweats and a new tee.

i lead her into the bathroom, but she's still crying. i follow her in, "let me help you" i say right before i watch her face turn petrified. "don't worry, Sarah, i  wont hurt you. i wont judge you. your safe with me." i say trying to comfort her. i keep my eyes on hers as she slowly takes the shirt and sweatpants off of her body. more tears drip down her face as she undresses. i get the shirt and help put it on her torso. i unravel the sweatpants, and kneel down to let her feet go though the leg holes. i pull them up for her but when i reach her knees i pause. i see multiple cuts on Sarah's thighs. i stretch the front of the sweatpants out so that i don't irritate them any more as i pull the pants up the rest of the way. 

"Sarah...." i say. "what happened?.." "i know..." she whispers while sobbing softly. i pull her into a tight long hug. my arms wrapped around her waist "Sarah, you are so loved" i say comforting her. "no, but i'm not though. my dad hates me, my old friends didn't even care that i left, and neither did my dad." she says to me. "nick, Chris, and i love you, Sarah, my mom loves you, your mom loves you, your sister loves you. there is help if you need it." "no. you don't get it." she says to me. "what?" i ask. "ready for my life story?" she asks me, "i'm ready to take anything on for you." i said reassuringly.



hey everybody, explanation is coming up. thanks for reading this far in, it means so much. <33

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