6. Grateful

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The Next Day, 10:07 am

Sarahs POV:

my phone buzzed on my nightstand. still sleepy, i grabbed it and opened it. i had been added to a group chat with Matt, Nick, and Chris. 


three musketeers + the gay one

nick <3:

-who tf changed the gc name to that?


- 😇

nick <3:

-wtv chris... 🙄

-anyways..Sarah you should come over today and swim :) 


-yeah it would be really fun :)

matty <3:

-only if you want to though


-maybe... my sister is leaving at one so

nick <3:


matty <3:

-nick stop

-just let us know in a bit :)


-i will :)


-so uh... nick should it be saratt or marah

nick <3:

-marah fs. 


matty <3:

-seriously nick and chris? 🙄




i got up out of bed and got dressed, then i went downstairs to see my mom had made breakfast. Celia was already up, eating some bacon and an english muffin. my mom handed me a plate of bacon and eggs. "good morning sleepy head, you were out quick huh?" my mom said to me while i grabbed the plate from her hands. "yeah i guess i was" grabbing a piece of bacon.

my phone buzzed

text message from maybe: Matty B <3

i opened my phone. 


matty <3

matty <3:

-hey, how're you feeling?


-i'm fine i guess..

matty <3:


-did you..?


- ...

matty <3: 

-i'm coming over

read, 10:53 am


i was finished with my breakfast and took care of my dish. "mom" i say getting her attention. "yeah?" she asks. "matts gonna come over for a few minutes, is that okay?" "oh sure honey." she said with a smile. "thanks" i say before going upstairs to the bathroom and washing my face and brushing my teeth. i went to my room and sat on my bed. i looked out the window and saw Matt walking across the street. 

my stomach filled with butterflies. i was confused, because why would i like someone i just met? i mean he is really really sweet, and he's kinda attractive too. he's been really nice to me, i think it might just be that i've never had a friend like him, but i'm not so sure. "Sarah!" my mom calls for me. "coming!" i say walking out of my room and down the stairs. he was already inside, taking his shoes off. he looked up and over to me, but didn't smile, he looked worried.

i motioned my hand for him to follow me up the stairs. we went into my room, and i shut the door. my mom doesn't care about the 'oh make sure you keep the door open' kind of thing, she trusts me. without either of us saying a word, he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me in really close. like, my waist is VERY close to his... I put my arms on his shoulders, and hug him back tightly. 

tears seeped out of my closed eyes, and he pulled away and wiped my cheeks. he gave me a kiss on my forehead, and we both blushed a little bit. he pulled me in again, hugging me tighter than before. a tear or two slipped out of his eyes too. "you are so loved Sarah, why?" he said.

i pulled away. "why do you do it?" he asks me. "its the only thing that makes it better." i say softly while looking down. "what is it? what's so bad?" he asks me, more tears drip from my eyes as i say, "the constant pain, and suffering. i keep hearing those girls' voices in my head talking about me, saying 'she's enormous, why does she wear that she doesn't have the body for it, why the fuck did her parents have a kid if they knew it would be disgustingly ugly' wonder why i hate showing body? two reasons. the way i look, and my scars." 

"look at me," he says to me. i look up from the floor and into his eyes. "you are gorgeous. i've seen it myself" he says with a smirk, but it fades. "i'm serious though, you are beautiful in every way. don't be afraid to show your body. i mean it. that also means if you decide to come over later, please don't hide your legs. nick and Chris will accept it. they weren't grossed out about what they saw with your sister yesterday, and neither was i. the only thing we were worried about was you." he says purely from heart. the whole time he kept eye contact with me, and even though i was upset, it gave me butterflies.

i nodded to him, not knowing what to say back to him. i wanted to kiss him so bad, but i could never, i'm too much of a chicken to do such a thing. besides it was obvious he didn't feel the same way. it's not like he just told me how beautiful i am, or kissed me on the forehead, or expressed how much he cared for me.

he pulled me into another hug, this one was shorter though, because we were interrupted by my sister knocking on my door. we pulled away quick, and i wiped my eyes. "come in" i said as she opened the door. "everything okay in here?" Celia asked, being the over protective sister she is. "yeah were good" i say playfully rolling my eyes at her. "just making sure" she says eyeing Matt who is now sitting on my bed. "bye" i say trying to get rid of her. "see ya" she laughed and walked away.

i shut the door and walked over to the bed. "well i don't want to get sick of you so you should probably get outta here." he smiled, knowing i just accepted the invite to go swimming later. "alright," he said. "see you later" he followed while getting up from my bed. "bye Matty" i said smiling. "bye sare-bear" he said back with a kind smile, and walked out of my bedroom door. i blushed so hard. he called me sare-bear. i got butterflies almost immediately.



hey, this was a cute chapter, i hope you liked this one <3 tysm for reading i've said it before, but i appreciate you all so much.

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