"Love" is Stupid

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He Saved Me

Chapter 9

""Love" is Stupid"

"Mary! Open the door!" my Father screamed outside. I didn't dare respond. I was afraid. I didn't want to be near him. After everything he's done, he also decides to cheat on Mom. All Mom has ever done was love him and accept that he will never be good enough for her. Yet, she still stays. For she loves him.

I swear "love" is one of the most pathetic feelings ever created. Everyone desires it, even if they say they don't. Most of the time it makes you feel like shit, because you end up falling for the impossible. Then you end up regretting things. After that you start crying and then start thinking about everything bad thats ever happen to you. How bad your life is. How you will never be good enough for anyone. Not even yourself. How you're never able to make anyone happy or smile. Then in the very end you end up crying yourself to sleep.

"Mary open the fucking door! I know you're in there!" he yelled even louder with more anger in his voice. I covered my ears and held in my tears. Suddenly, the door flys open, hitting the wall hard. I take a deep breathe as he walked over to my bed.

I then felt a sharp pain on the top of my head, as he grabbed a fistful of my hair. He lift me up from the bed and threw me to the ground. I land face first. I quickly got up and ran for the door. I ran as fast I could out of the house. I opened the front door and literally leaped across the porch.

I then remembered Luke. I quickly grabbed my phone and dialed his number. He immediately picked up after 2 rings. "Mary? Is everything ok?" he asked.

"Luke-" but I was cut off. I had felt something hit me across my back. I fell on the floor, only getting covered with mud . I turned around to see my Father. He had whipped me with his belt. The belt I had gave him on his birthday, 3 years ago. Before he became like this.

"Are you really trying to run?" he chuckled. "You're so fucking stupid just like your mother."

"Don't you dare talk about Mom like that. You have no right." I screamed at him. He responded with his belt. He had hit my arm this time.

"Actually, I have every fucking right." he screamed whipping me across the face. I yelped in response, as I cupped my cheek.

"Mary! Mary are you ok? Please answer me!" Luke bellowed. "Mary, dammit." My father glared at me as he heard his voice over the phone.

"You are so pathetic," he chuckled even louder than before. He then approached me kicking me straight in the ribs then grabbed me by my hair once again. He dragged me across the mud to our old car, that didn't exactly work anymore. Then, he pulled me up and slammed my head on the side of the car. I groaned in pain as he opened the trunk and stuffed me inside.

He banged the trunk shut. I then closed my eyes and curled up in a ball. I didn't dare cry this time. I took a deep breath and before I knew it I was out.


"Mary! Where are you?" someone yelled from outside. "Mary!" I quickly uncurled myself. I then began pounding on the door of the trunk.

"Someone, please help!" I cried. "I'm here, someone."

"Mary?" the person said in relief. "I'm coming." Before I knew it the trunk door was propped open. The sunlight flashed into my eyes, but as soon as I saw the person in front of me I leaped forward to wrap my arms around his neck.

"Mary. Thank God you're safe," he said squeezing me around the waist.

"Thank-" I began to say, but I was cut off by the one and only. He carefully put me down to see who was talking.

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