Letting Go

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He Saved Me

Chapter 19

I was awaken by the light of the sun coming from the window. I squinted my eyes and looked around the room. I saw Cameron lying next to me with his back upwards. My eyes immediately widened as I realized he was shirtless. Quickly, I lifted the sheet that was on top of me to find out I was naked.

"Shit," I hissed.

Cameron probably heard me because he started moving. He flipped over on his back and I tightly cover my naked body.

"Hey," he smirked.

His voice was all raspy and I couldn't help but blush. Then I realized that I was still naked.

"Did we...ummm," I began.

"Do it? Have sex?" he asked as he raised his eyebrow.

His eyebrows were perfectly shaped. I waited for him to continue, answer the question. I mean I wasn't able to even finish the question because of embarrassment.

"Yes, we did. I kinda hoped you'd remember," he whispered the last part.

I felt guilty for not remembering. I could only recall a few moments that I don't exactly want to talk about. Goodness.

"I do," I quickly say as I grabbed hold of his hand. "I just don't remember all of it."

"Well next time I'll make sure you do."

I smiled weakly smiled as he stood up. The only thing I could see or look at was his ass. My head automatically turned away.

"You're going back to school today right?" he asked.


"Yes, I guess. Ugh, I really don't want to. I mean it's freaking Friday can't I just come back Monday?"

"Well, I'll take you to school, but on one condition."

"One condition? I might as well walk to school," I joked.

"Ha. Funny. I wanted you to come with me to a party tonight."

The last party I went to was where I had almost committed suicide. It was when I saw Bridget kiss Luke. Luke, oh Luke. I was not ready to see him. Goodness, and I have Chemistry with him first period. I hope our seats had changed.

"Earth to Mary," Cameron said, interrupting my thoughts.

"Oh, sorry. I'll go to the party. What's the worst thing that could happen?"

Before I knew it we were on a motorcycle heading to school. He parked in the school parking lot and I quickly got off. I didn't want to be late. It was my first day back after weeks and I really didn't want to make a big scene. Cameron had walked me to my class.

I wish I could have changed. I was wearing the same thing as yesterday and my clothes literally smell like alcohol and smoke. Cameron's cabin seemed to have the smell no matter what. The pervasive stench wouldn't leave even if you put an air-refresher.

I was about to get into class when Cameron grabbed hold of my wrist and pulled me back to him. He crashed his lips on top of my mine. I pulled away a few seconds later.

"Now you can leave," he said.

I smiled and turned away to get inside stupid Chemistry. I get into class with people staring at me like the usual. I guess the bell rang without me knowing. Good job at always being late.

"Welcome back, Mary! We've missed you," Mr. Evans boasted.

That's when a head turned around. Luke. He looked at me with sadness in his eyes. I quickly turned away from him and back at the teacher.

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