Chapter 3

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Sorry for the late update, I was recently in a motor vehicle accident which resulted in me breaking my dominant wrist. I really wanted to post something even if it was short. I'll try to get the next chapter out as soon as I can but it might take me some time as I am typing with one hand.


Julian's pov:

As Simon sang all he did was stare at Clary and Julian who were too blind to see the love he held for them, while Maureen was doing the same to Simon. Now that Julian noticed, the look in Maureen's eye was different. It held more hunger and not the sexy kind. 

"Thanks for being our roadie," Maureen says to Clary as the four walk towards the van outside. Julian unable to hide his annoyance for Maureen starts walking faster to the van to hide his face. Clary notices and looks toward him while raising a brow confused. Julian shakes his head mouthing "later."

"Yeah, and thank you for being our artist in residence," Simon tells her taking his shirt off to change. Julian starts whistling and wiggling his eyebrows, whilst the other two keep their gaze on him. When she thought no one was looking, Maureen went to touch Simon's back, but Julian caught her hand before she could and gave it a tight squeeze as a warning. Startled she quickly moved back before Clary or Simon could see and avoided Julian's eyes, embarrassed she'd been caught.

"Of course," Clary tells them, quickly changing the subject, "so you went on stage tonight as Champagne Enigma." They both laughed, "What were we thinking, right?"

"But now, we're rock solid panda," Simon confirmed with confidence, giving a hard nod to Maureen in certainty.

"Rock Solid Panda, coming up," Clary says, grabbing her paint can and walking over to the side of the van. "I'm feeling inspired." 

"Are you planning on painting your handsome brother sister dearest," Julian said while starting to pose on top of the hood. "Oh brother, if I did paint you it would scare away all their fans," Clary said with a smirk. "Okay, that was just plain rude." Julian pouted with his arms crossed. 

Clary sprayed on the name but then above it, she painted a sign that made Julian look over confused. "What's that tag?" Simon asked, chuckling lightly.

"Weird I didn't even mean to draw that," She replied, looking very confused as she inspected the tag.

Julian kept focused on the tag, little flashes of small Julian seeing his mom having the same tag on her body as well as another man who was looking at Julian with loving eyes. Confused, Julian just pushed the thought to the back of his mind to ask his mom later. 

He was pulled from his daze by hearing Clary shouting at a guy who had walked into her.

"Hey, can you watch where you're going?"

He turned around looking down at the girl. "You can see me?" He asked surprised.

His blonde hair was pushed back and his eyes were a beautiful shade of gold with a hint of blue in one eye. He was clearly built and had a sharp face structure. "Now that is one good-looking man" Julian whispered to Simon while smirking.

Simon looked at Julian confused." What guy?" Simon said to Julian.

"Yeah, that's kind of the point, but you obviously didn't see me," Clary retorts, crossing her arms over her chest. Julian walks over to the two. "Kind of hard to miss when you're taking up the whole road, not that I'm complaining," Julian says while smirking at the Blonde. 

"JULIAN" Clary says while hitting his arm. "Okay first ouch, second of all you have to admit he is quite a cutie baby sis," Julian says while looking him up and down. 

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