Chapter 5

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Heheheheh I couldn't help myself with the gif, it's a work of art. Plus I forgot to add this to Chapter 4. 


"Thanks for showing me around, Alec," Julian said with a warm smile, his eyes sparkling with curiosity as they walked side by side.

Alec nodded, a faint blush coloring his cheeks at the attention Julian was giving him. He wasn't accustomed to such direct flirtation, especially from someone as confident as Julian.

"It's no problem, Julian," Alec replied, his voice tinged with shyness as they entered the bustling kitchen.

The aroma of freshly brewed coffee and delicious pastries filled the air, tempting Alec's senses as they approached the counter. Alec busied himself with preparing two cups of coffee, trying to ignore how his heart fluttered at Julian's proximity.

"Listen I'm going to catch up with Jace and figure out our next step" Alec quickly said flustered trying to find any excuse to leave and clear his head, as he was confused and frustrated with what he felt for Julian.

"Sounds good to me pretty boy," Julian said while leaning against the counter slowly slipping his coffee. "Don't forget your coffee" He half yelled when he noticed Alec trying to quickly walk away. He grabbed Alec's cup and handed it to him. "I'll walk back with you, they must be waiting for us." Alec nervously looked up and quickly agreed.

"So you know nothing about the shadow world? Alec asked Julian while they slowly walked together. Julian looked over confused and shook his head. "nope." Alec chuckled at Julian unable to stop himself as he found it cute. "Well all the legends are true regarding vampires, Shadowhunter, Seelies, and Werewolves," Alec tells Julian who looks at him interested. 

"They are all Downworlders since they have demon blood in their veins, while Shadowhunters have angel blood. Julian says in disbelief " I just can't believe we have never seen any of this if Clary and I had the sight. It's like I have holes in my memory," Julian explained flustered at Alec.

"A warlock," Alec says looking at him. Julian excitedly grabs Alec's arm stopping him, "HOLY FUCK wizards exist, just like in Harry Potter. This is the best day ever, I mean excluding the fact my mother was kidnapped by some bad guys and we were attacked by some ugly monsters."

Alec laughs out loud unable to keep it in, unaware of the shocked looks his fellow shadowhunters are giving him. "Come on, I'm sure everyone is waiting for us," Alec says. 

As they walk in Julian smiles wide while running over to Simon when he notices him standing with everyone. "Simon!" Simon quickly turns in time as Julian pulls him into a tight hug. Happy to see a familiar face. 

"What is going on? Why is there a mundane in the Institute? Alec asked pissed when he noticed the closeness between Simon and Julian. 

"A Circle member followed him to get to Clary and Julian," Jace says making Julian turn his head to the side confused.

"What the fuck is a Circle member? Is that a gang? Simon why is a gang following you, are you doing drugs? without me?" Julian says whining while grabbing onto Simon's face. Clary and Simon both chuckle at him amused as they're used to his random outburst. 

Alec annoyed with their interaction, clears his throat to get their attention, well more specifically one person's attention back on him. Once they stop laughing, Jace continues. "All we know is a long time ago the Circle led a revolt. A lot of Shadowhunters got killed....including my father," Jace quietly says while looking away. Clary and Julian both look at him sadly.

"And since the revolt we've been forbidden to even hear about the Circle," Alec says.

"But, how is that even possible? It's your history," Clary says confused. 

"Listen I don't care for History, failed it in school and couldn't care less about it. What I want to know is how the fuck are we getting our mom back," Julian says with frustration in his voice. 

Clary noticing grabs his hand. "There's gotta be someone out there who can tell us why they've taken our mother," Clary says looking up at Julian. 

"There is," Jace tells them as he begins to walk away. "You coming?" Jace says looking back at the two Fray siblings. 

"No, no, no. Not you," Jace says towards Simon stopping him with a hand to his chest. 

"Hey, we're a package deal," Clary tells Jace as Julian nods his head agreeing with her. 

"Yeah," Simon says nodding his head and looking at Jace. 

"There are runes all over the training room floor that would kill your Mundane boyfriend," Jace says. 

"He's not my-," Clary beings to say.

"I'm not, like- We're, uh, just friends," Simon stutters out.

"Best friends," Clary says smiling towards Simon. 

"Well he's my future hubby, so can he come," Julian says while putting his arm around Simon and smiling at everyone.

"Yeah, and I'm tough. I can handle runes. So, uh, bring on the runes," Simon says looking at Jace. 

"What exactly are runes?" Simon asks after a second. 

"They give Shadowhunters our demon-fighting powers," Izzy says walking towards Simon as she activates the angelic rune with her stele on her forearm.

"So hot," Simon says looking at Izzy who smiles at him. 

Julian jokingly puts a hand to his heart acting shocked and outraged, "Simon how could you check out Izzy right in front of your man. That's it, we're totally over. 

"Don't worry, Julian. I'll watch over your man. In fact, I was about to make breakfast," Izzy says making Alec shake his head as Jace wines.

"Not my man anymore, he's all yours," Julian says huffing and turning his head towards Alec. "Alec is my new man, he seems more loyal and fun to look at. You can keep my leftovers Izzy."

Alec unable to hide his blush turns his head to the side while lightly smiling at Julian's antics. 

"On second thought, runes might be less lethal," Jace tells Simon.

"I'll pretend I didn't hear that," Izzy says towards Jace who rolls his eyes at her.

"Please excuse my brother's lack of manners. This is Alec and I'm Isabelle," Izzy says holding her hand out for Simon to kiss.

"Lewis. Simon, Simon Lewis," Simon says quickly as he shakes Izzy hand.

"Two first names, am I still talking?" Simon questions himself making Izzy laugh.

"See? Best friend and kinda husband safe and sound here," Jace says towards the Fray siblings. Julian rolls his eyes and says, "Ex-husband, I don't date cheaters," Simon laughs and starts apologizing to Julian who walks away and grabs Alec's arm. 

"Sorry, I can't hear you. Shall we pretty boy," Julian says looking into Alec's eyes. 

Alec chuckles and starts walking them to the training room.

"Hey, uh... don't eat the food. Dangerous," Jace warns him making Izzy glare at Jace.

"Jace, coming?" Clary asks making Jace nod as he rushes up to keep up with the three.

Love Me Or Let Me Go| Alec Lightwood|(1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora