Lost Key | Short

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This is based off the Kabbi - #2 ship imagine, from V's Ship Imagines book (found on @Fan_FictionGirl2)


How exactly did Kai lose his house key? Well, never mind that, how was he going to get inside? He'd knocked on the door and rung it multiple times, but there was no answer. 

Abby's probably asleep. 

So now, he was prying open a window. It wasn't exactly something he'd done before, but he was somehow successful at opening the window.

Now to get in. 

Abby had woken up while he was getting the window open, and when she sat up and looked at it, she saw Kai, halfway through the window. 

"What the heck are you doing?"

Kai hadn't really noticed that she  woke up, so he was startled by the sudden question, so he faceplanted into the floor. 

"Oww...I lost my freaking key and you weren't waking up to let me in."


Haha enjoy this *happy* first shot that I've done

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