Friend | Short

14 1 7

--Set between Like A Fire Burns and Smoke and Ashes---


The last time they were out in the woods, things hadn't been so peaceful. But now, it seemed that there would peace, at least for a while. So the teens (Clay, Abby, and Kai) had gone on a nice picnic into the woods surrounding the Refuge. 

The calm day was suddenly interupted by the sound of running and crackling twigs on the ground. Clay was the first to react.

Whoever it was came closer, and then into sight. It was a somewhat hungry looking white wolf.

It looked at the three for a second, and recognized Abby and Kai. It happily trotted over to them like a dog-not at all like a wolf. Then, it  caught sight of Clay, who was standing ready for an attack. It didn't recognize the teen, and growled at him, as a warning to stay away from its friends. 

"Don't come any closer to my family,"said Clay. 

"Clay, it's alright, this is Komakii, we met him in the woods a few years ago. Komakii, that's Clay, he's our friend,"Abby said.

Komakii stopped his growling. If this friendo said that the other human was a friendo, then that human would be also be considered a friendo to Komakii. 


Never mind that I pretty much wrote this in one sitting.

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