Meilin | Backstory

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One day, at the Brooklyn household, there appeared on their doorstep a girl of about four years. She looked confused, and seemed to have just been left there. This was a somewhat common occurrence in these old towns. No one knew why children were just being left at houses, but, people were kind and they would take those children in and try to find their parents.

These people were no different, they took the confused girl inside. The Brooklyns had two children, a daughter and a son, and even though they were quite older than the girl they instantly became the best of friends. The child's parents were never found. She didn't have a name, so they named her Meilin. 

Years passed with nothing much happening, except the discovery that Meilin had some strange magic, Dark Magic. No one else in the town was to know, for what they would do to her was unknown. 

But one day, while they were playing outside, a girl who Meilin knew made her extremely angry and she reacted by accidentally using her Dark Magic against the other girl. The girl somehow dodged that, cried out, and said that Meilin had tried to kill her with that "awful magic". 

Now the residents of the town, who equated Dark Magic wielders to monstrous creatures, were enraged. They marched up to the Brooklyns' house. Keeping a 'monstrous creature' in one's house was something that must never be done in their eyes, and in their anger and fear over this they killed the mother Brooklyn and the son. 

Meilin had been caught in the large mob-the cons of being a short teen. When she freed herself, she saw her 'brother' being killed, and she was horrified. The people turned to her, the possessor of the Dark Magic. That day no one from the Brooklyn household was to be spared, save for the eldest daughter that had moved away, and the father who was working in a nearby city. 

They "murdered" the girl, not knowing that she was a Shadow Spirit, and all that did was make her temporary human form disappear. She was in a rage, and she tore apart everyone with her just her clawed shadowy-ness, the bloodshed empowering her. She forgot everything and everyone and only wanted to destroy everyone in the entire town, for they had been the ones to kill her precious mother and brother. 

The house was a mess. Things had been ripped to shreds in the wake of Meilin's destructive anger. Blood and people who were ripped apart was strewn all over the living room and a hall. She didn't care though, all she wanted was to keep destroying everyone and everything. 

Down to shreds. 

Down to shreds. 


She lived this life for who knew how long. Years didn't matter. 

And then, she saw her brother. 

No. That couldn't be, he was dead wasn't he? 

No, this was someone else. 

But, he reminded her of her brother in a way. Her dear brother, oh, he wasn't dead.....was he? She couldn't remember it. In all the years of her rampaging, she'd tried and forgotten everything about her human life.  

But he couldn't be her brother. Her brother was fully human. Not a Shadow Spirit. 

She was confused. 

BUT, it didn't matter. 

She was a little sister again. 

No one would ever dare harm her and risk the wrath of the one she accepted as elder brother-no one. 

And she liked it that way. 


Not sure what came over me at the end, but, here, have a lil lil snippet of bOREN Thorn ig? 

Primus that feels wierd to say. 

Geadri, ote gaiic eda. 

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