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Ryujin's POV:

Finally after all those times of training it was finally time for the battle between two school's for soccer.

It was a long way as the team was so tensed up till now after the incident between Chaewon and Yujin, they haven't even talked once to each other or interact.

Yuna, who witnessed what happened was left speechless too as she never expected the two of them to be in that kind of situation as they're one of the closest friends to each other.

I'm also in the locker room right now, Chaewon and Yujin is with's kind of awkward too, not until Chaewon stood up and took one last glance at us then left the room.

After a bit, we also left the room and went out. On our way to the field, I saw...Jung Eun. Well fck.

She looked at me too and smirked as she went towards me and Yujin, and by my peripheral vision; yujin has a surprised look displayed on her face.

"Long time no see" she said

"What do you want?" Yujin asked her. Judging by her tone, she's mad.

"Nothing, just greeting my sister's...ex" she said and grinned

"Fck u" I cursed at her

" that what you're really going to say after those years that we haven't met?" She asked

"Yes and why so? That you were one of the people that trained me for soccer? Tsk. How miserable of you looking down on me!" I yelled

"I never said I was looking down on you but I guess, think of what you want Shin" she said and left us there as she bump Yujin in her shoulder.

Fck her

"Come on let's go" Yujin said

We then arrived in the field with our coach and the others there. We went towards them to start discussing our first plan for the first round as it'll start in 15 minutes.

Coach then held the board and directed where we are supposed to be placed at and reminded us on what he said 4 weeks ago.

Fast forward~

Yujin then got the ball but she passed it to me. It's an intense match us we never expected the other school to be this professional.

It's currently a 7 which is my team and 10 for the other team. This is bad but we have to give in our best for this.

"You got these Ryu" I whispered to myself

After a while I kicked the ball and it went in, which the team celebrated '8-10' I reminded myself.

The game continued not until Chaewon got a penalty to kick the ball to the goal to save herself as she was given 1 chance to do so.

And willingly that her luck was with her today she managed to complete the task Which made the crowd go wild once more for her successful kick.

And with that, that game continued. And what I noticed with the other team is they're pretty good with blocking and stealing the ball. I studied their moves, with also the knowledge of Lips moves and strategies that she showed me that she does back then, I managed to steal the ball from her and 7 meters away from the goal; I took the risk and kicked it.

The crowd went silent for the bold move of me to kick a ball so far away and from the right side too, which is a very rare opportunity.

And with that....the crowd exclaimed of excitement as the I goaled the 7 meter kick!

"Good kick" Lip said as she went to her team

I just ignored her and went to mine too. We have about 10 minutes break for this, to discuss and rest.

"I Misinterpreted You" -Ryeji AuDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora