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chapter 3

another day. 3 weeks passed by, everything is going amazing. the universe finally chose to give me happiness, Lucas is probably one i am the closest with. we see each other in the library after breakfast and walk together to church for angelus everyday. as the day goes by the sun slowly starts to head down. i am walking down with Lucas in the hallway when two nuns greets us. "well well, haven't you two grown a great relationship in a short while" one of them said with a smile. "relation-ship?" i said unconsciously. oh gosh they meant as in platonic. Lucas giggled and said "yeah, i mean boys around here dont appreciate my silence that much" i am embarrassed, he probably think of it as the wrong way, why did i misunderstand something so obvious, okay i am probably just overthinking it, it's not that serious he probably didn't notice the confusion. as my thoughts go loud the nun walks away and Lucas broke the chaos in my mind.
"didn't even realize that i am with you this much that even the nuns notice"
i looked in the opposite way where he was and replied
"but i really don't mind it thought, we have stuff in common" he says
"yeah" i replied once again.
"yeah?" he says while trying to lock eyes with me.
"yeah" i replied looking at him for a split second
"you know what, i just noticed how frequently you say 'yeah' you embarrassed to say something to me or what?"
he said obviously joking.
i just laughed it off.
"i am being serious actually"
i awkwardly stopped giggling.
"nono! i am not embarrassed or anything"
i said quietly but surprised
we heard a ~tud~ sound down the stairs behind us, we looked around and there was no one.
"did you know.. there was a rumor going around a while ago about a evil spirit that have been trapped by the founder priest who made this rectory? that's why this was made so the spirit could be trapped down the basement and we are just praying here so it won't escape."
he said, i stopped walking and looked at him. "for real?"  "for reaal" then he spoke again.
"but of course is not a fact because no one actually could provide is, but what's suspicious is the pastors not denying it.. well probably they are playing along"
we walked to the my room door.
"wanna talk more?" i asked hoping he would say yes or it would have been embarrassing.
"yes, of course" he said in a high toned voice
we went in and some few other boys greeted him and we went to the sofa in the middle of the room then sat down. the other boys where in their own room doing i dont know. he quickly asked
"why are you here? why you chose to become a priest?"
i  still haven't gone past about the rumor he told be earlier, but i replied to his question.
"well, it just felt right. my parents always wanted me to since i was little"
"you sure you weren't brainwashed into this?" he  says jokingly.
i narrowed my eyebrows "no. how about you?"
he made himself comfortable, leaned back to the sofa and put his hands gently rubbing his knees.
"well, i always had a close connection with god. my nan always read me the bible before bed and it was just magical, then i promised her that i will once read the bible for the other people too."
"that's wholesome" i said shortly.
"by the way, i heard that most of you that came in are from small villages? that true? you live in a barns or something? is there cows walking around?"
my head shook back by shock.
"well cows are mostly in barns and not just walking around randomly, well.. sometimes they do so."
he looked at me.
"that is so interesting" he said leaning towards me.
"never seen someone shocked about it? probably i just forget there are different areas in the world that there are people who live differently"
then i spoke after a pause
"why? where do you live?"
i live in a big city, very noisy so moving here last year was totally different where i am used to."
i looked at him amazed.
" actually, when the buss on the way here drove through the city! i never seen big buildings and people with different colored hair? that must be nice to live somewhere like that."
" weird" he say. "we live a totally different lives, huh?"
after that there where a short silence.
lucas was a year older than me, he moved home last year and he is now one who is responsible to the newer kids.
i notice him looking at me, well not directly. he's looking at my hair.
i touched my hair and asked if there was something on it.
"no, i just think your hair looks so black that it almost look dark blue."
i got a weird sensation in my stomach, butterflies? i think that what it's called. i got butterflies in my stomach.
his features are the standard i would say.. as a compliment. his nose is narrow and pointed and freckles sits nicely on top on it. almost like god took a good while drawing freckles on him. i starred at him too long again. oh no.
"what are you thinking about?" he asked me.
he sat closer to the smaller sofa chair im sitting on. a boy walked towards him and gave him a signal, probably an order.
then touched my hand that where laying on top of the arm resting on the sofa
"gotta go, see you tomorrow" then he smiled and  grinned at his friend then left. my face flustered.
"hey, i saw that" a guy peeked from a room looking at me. "
" wh.. what? "
" wh.. wh.. what?? " he mocked me.
i stood up then went in my room then dived in my bed. i turned at my side then starred at my hand while a memory echoes on my mind. " there isn't evil inside of you.. you're just gay" with Harmons voice.
till to this day i still think of him. and i am probably.. gay. i layed on my back and  rested my hand on top of my four head. i am crushing on him i mumbled to myself.
i took a quick nap then when i woke up it was peach black. i tapped around the corners on my desk to open my lamp then opened the light, then the door opened and the boys walked in the room.
"you missed supper"
one of them said
"why didn't anyone of you woke me up then?"
i said annoyingly.
"we tried but you where deep into your sleep so we didn't bother"
the other one of them said
"don't worry you can still go to the kitchen and ask for food, just tell the nuns that you missed dinner."
i went back to my bed and sat for a while, i do feel my tummy grawl but then i decided to sleep my hunger away since it would be kind of embarrassing to ask the people in the kitchen for food, they probably cleaning up the mess then make food for the next day. i couldn't sleep. wait.. am i hearing something? or someone just said my name? "what" i said loud enough
"what, what?"  said a boy a room beside of me. "did someone just call me?"
"go get your food, hunger make you hear things, Fitz" said someone a little further from where i am. then i heard giggles so i didn't respond, it's true tho, i am quite hungry. i stood up from my bed and slowly walk to the door. "get me some of those cheese buns, Fitz!" someone said "me too" a couple other guys said after. i nodded for myself then left the room. i should have brought my lamp because even tho tho there are lots of candles to light up the hallway it was too dark to see. i arrived to the kitchen and some few nuns where wrapping up
"need something, boy?"
"yes actually" they starred at me, then i spoke again
"i missed supper earlier, was wondering if i could have some.. uhm perhaps, some buns?"
"how many you want" one of them asked
they looked at me like they knew it wasn't just for me.
"five? oh well, why not."
"fuck!" said one of the nuns by the stove.
"i didn't know it was on? oh my god, forgive my language"
i said my thanks then left
okay now, i think i am lost. i passed the near stairs where Lucas told me about the rumor going around, it gave me the shivers, i walked faster
"Fitz.. Harlow"
i quickly turned around, i touched the back of my neck because i swear i felt a cold breeze back there. now i am nearly running so i turned back to the way i am going, then stopped. who is that? someone is peaking from the edge of the hallway. it was a tall figure so maybe its father Eagnas? but why would he look at me like that?.. i cant move, i feel my lips shake, i wanted to scream out of fear. what the hell is going on? since Lucas told me about that stupid rumor, *sigh* i think it's just fear and my brain is just playing tricks on me. i blinked again and the figure is gone, no way im walking that way, id rather go around the long way, so i turned around and let out a scream, i fell to my back.
"boy, why are you just standing there?"
said the two nuns while one of them reached a hand out
i got back on my two feet.
"we saw you while we where on our way back to our rooms, why would you just stand like that in the middle of a dark hallway?"
"sorry, i just got scared and thinking if i should continue walking this way to my room or walk around." i said with a soft toned voice.
"okay, let us walk you back"
i clenched the paper bag filled with the buns."
i got back to my room then said goodbye to the two kind nuns who walked me back. 3 of the boys who asked for the bund where playing uno in the small living room we have. i grabbed two bund and gave them the rest.
" just five? "
i shook my shoulders then went back to my bed.

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