|| Hārēpsa - Soaring Waters||

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After the last battle in Meereen, Queen Rhaenyra became busy preparing for her and her army to sail back to Westeros. Men had started to make repairs for the damaged ships and House Velaryon's fleet already docked on their shore.

Prince Oberyn and Lord Daemon alongside the Valyrian army already arrived in Meereen a few days after the battle. They are all working to finish the final touches on their ships so they can leave Slaver's Bay and go back to their own land.

The Queen will give up her ruling in Meereen and the whole of Slaver's Bay as the people choose their own leaders. Leaders that will not bring back slavery. The place that is once owned by Slavers is all now free, thanks to the Dragon Queen.

" Your Grace? " Rhaenyra turned her attention to the door when she heard Lord Jon Connington's voice.

" Lord Jon? Is there anything I can help you with? " She asked but then another person enter the room.

" We didn't have time to properly introduce the men that we brought with us. " Lord Jon said as the man beside him gave the queen a proper bow.

" This is Harry Strickland. He is the captain of the Golden Company. " The lord introduced the sellsword.

" It's an honor to be in your presence, Your Grace. " He greeted her and a smile formed on her lips.

" Thank you for accompanying Lord Jon and my brother here. I will be forever grateful to you for siding with us. And I'll make sure that it will be rewarded in time. " Rhaenyra greeted him back.

" How many men fight for the Golden Company? " She curiously asked. She didn't have time to converse with Lord Jon about this matter because of all the things that had happened.

" Ten thousand sellswords, two thousand horses, and two dozen of war elephants. " The captain responded.

" War elephants? It's my first time hearing that. But I am sure that it's still can help our cost. " Rhaenyra said gaining nods from the two men.

" How do you bring elephants to war? " She curiously questioned again. The Queen slightly became fascinated by the thought.

Their dragons already can withstand thousands of men in an army but with the addition of these elephants? They might be the strongest army the world has ever seen.

" We mounted them, Your Grace. They obey their own riders and they work just like a horse but they can kill with their huge feet and trunks. Just like when you rode dragons and make them spit fire. " Harry replied to her question.

" Interesting. I can't wait to see them in battle. But I hope that it won't give them any inconvenient feelings. The animals we have take a large part of our victory. " The man smiled upon hearing the concern of the queen.

Harry thinks that the golden queen does have a good heart. She doesn't see her dragons, her men, all of them as tools to be used on getting what she wants.

" Harry has some proposal for you, Your Grace. I think you will love his idea. " Lord Jon spoke and Rhaenyra gave him the look to say what it was.

" During the battle, I saw you rode your dragons, the three of you rode them while the other doesn't have any riders. Yes, Dragons are hard to defeat. They fly hundreds of feet from the ground but even these creatures are not invincible, Your Grace. " He began as she listens attentively.

" When we take the elephants to battle, We made sure that they will not be harmed too much. Just like what you said, half of our victories lie with them. We made armors for them. Hard steel that even the strongest swords will find hard to pierce. " Harry continued while Lord Jon observe the queen's expression.

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