Chapter 2:Cross

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When Nightmare fallen down to hell, his wing didn't turn into devilish from, just changed wing its color white to black. Nightmare sighed and going deep into the heaven. Since he was fallen angel, his appearance was unlike other's and have strong negative emotions, so other devil couldn't touch him easily. Even though some of them tried, could find them dead cause Nightmare did something to them. He went to King spot since the King, no retired King gave him the king spot cause he is special one, strong, responsible, and smart. The king knew Nightmare would be good king and he was tired to be king too. Nightmare went to fallen angel to devil's king in 2 days.. That could be heard in heaven, to Dream. Dream was surprised about the news that Nightmare became devil King. Thanks to him, because each King of angel and devil can across barrier which covered heaven to hell. They(Dream and Nightmare) kept meet them in the barrier since they missed each other tough.... While to Cross, he was the angel guardian since his parents were too. He was flying around like its bird, but slow enough to stop they're self when they need to. He was touching the barrier since it was quite squishy and it is good thing to play with. When he was flying with his hand touching the barrier, he saw devil and King Dream talking to each other. I couldn't believe that devil, or I can say demon is in heaven! How?? Did they across the barrier? (Cross doesn't know that each King of heaven and hell can across the barrier) No. He was confused for a sec, but tried to come close to them and spy(?) them for a while. Dream and Nightmare was talking about they're normal days because they were curious how was in heaven or hell, and they wanted to knew if each of them are living good or if there is someone that makes them uncomfortable. Cross was about to leave since there was nothing serious in the talk, but he heard someone saying 'STOP'. Cross was confused for a sec, but sees devil and King Dream looking at him. Cross started to sweat a lot even he was dead! And noticed that was .Fear. he turned around and asked them do they need something. Dream was sure that he is suspicious (SUS) because even tough he saw devil in heaven, they didn't look surprised he acted awkward. Dream asked him what is Cross's name, and Cross responded. Nightmare had a lot interest in Cross because since he spied us, even though he wan't sure that Cross is just stupid or take the risk and spy on us.

Ok end of the Chapter! Bai!

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