Chapter 7

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Jaxsons house was a bit of a drive. Wyatt used his dads truck to drive us since jermy wasnt coming. The moment i stepped out of they car it was really loud. There was some random hip hop remix's playing and i can tell why wyatt was hesitant on bringing me. He meets me at my side of the car and he holds my hand while we walk twords the door. In the month ive been here ive told Wyatt that i want to put labels on what we have, but now he wants to wait longer. So we are still, undecided.

"Wyatt my maaaan!!"

Some kid thats on the same football team as Wyatt comes up to us.

"Hey dude. Where are the drinks?"

"In the kitchen, be careful though, the neighbors will probably call the cops at some point."

Wyatt nods and drags up to the drinking station. Immediately Wyatt is taken away to take his keg throne. Ian entered and starting pouring water into his cup. He spots me and walks over.

"What are you doing with Wyatt?"

He asks taking a sip of the water.

"Its nice to see you sober Ian."

I grab a solo cup and put punch in it. I know i said i wouldnt drink. But i needed something.

"What are you doing with Wyatt Bec?"

I roll my eyes.

"Nothing with labels. Hes just being a good friend."

I take a sip of the punch and immediately get hit with what tastes like an alcohol wipe.

"Hey, im not drinking anymore and im going to try to stop smoking."

I look at him.

"Really? What brought this change on?"

He looks at me and then looks at his water.


He takes a sip of the water.

"You kow you dont have to change your bad boy image for me."

"The only reason i had a bad boy image is because the things that put light into this world where gone. But now one of them is back, and i cant have things blocking my way."

His whole body faced me. He was always really tall but now he had a form. He wasnt the Ian i grew up with, he was so much different.

"Dont drink the punch, dont drink anything for that matter. Guys drug girls drinks at these kinds of partys."

And just like that Ian turned and left. What. The. Hell. Just. Happened. I am kind of annoyed that he told me what to do though. I didnt see any guys that would drug someones drink. But just to be safe i put the drink on a table and went outside. Since Wyatt was getting wasted, and Ava wasnt here i only knew Seb and Jayden, who where making out on the couch outside. I go back inside and go into a room that is quiet and empty. It had a balcony so i decided to just go on it and look at the stars. The moon looked like a toenail but it was still beautiful. I liked this time alone. But it got me thinking abot what ian said. Why he said it. In middle school i had the biggest crush on him. I didnt get over it till the end of freshman year, when i knew i may never be going back. But why does he do this now. He's always with some girl and im surprised he wasnt when he talked to me. I see Wyatt run out side looking around. He turns around a points at me.

"Wait right there! Im coming!"

He yells. It takes him awhile to get up the stairs and find the room im in. but when he does i can already smell the booze on him.

"Wyatt you over did it."

I say turning to face him. But it wasnt him. It was Jaxson.

"Hi pretty lady, its been awhile"

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