Chapter 12

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I got discharged from the hospital four weeks ago but Wyatt wont stop making sure im ok. Every morning i wake up to a text.

Wyatt: Did you take your med yet?

Every night im not with him i get

Wyatt: did you take your meds yet?

I understand he's worried but im seeing a therapist now twice a week. I cant do soccer now because of the schedule conflicts. At least i know i made the team. I was a step in but still i made some part of the team.

I look at my phone. Theres the morning text. I get up to go take the med. My therapist gave me two kids of meds. Two to take every morning, two to take at lunch, two to take at night. One is an anti-depresant, i dont think i need it but ok. The other is some anxiety one i forgot the name of. I hate both of them. But i take them because my mom, and all my friends get pissed when i try not to. Take a big sip of water and i swallow the pills.




Its the weekend so i dont have to go to school. All i want to do is go sit on the couch let these awful pills sit in and sleep. Seb is calling me.

"Yes i took my pills Seb, now leave me alone"

"Wait do you want to go to the boardwalk?"

"Dont only middle schoolers go there."

"Please Bec, you need to do something other then sleep"

My doorbell rings. I walk twords it while i talk to Seb.

"My Pills make me so exhausted though i want to sleep."

Wyatts at the door. He almost says something put i hold out my index finger.

"Please Bec, it will be fun"

"Ill think about it Seb, bye"

I hang up.

"Oh i dont think youll think about it. Your going bec"

Wyatt says walking into the house.

"No im not, i dont want to be a party pooper."

"You wont be"

I turn to face him and cross my arms.

"You called me one when you where day drunk last week when i took my afternoon meds Wyatt."

"Ok but i was drunk"

I roll my eyes. The honey moon stage of our relationship is over. All our relationship has been since ive been on meds is him getting worried, then drunk, then clingy. Its not a great thing.

"What do you want from me Bec, ive always been like this."

"I though that after you got drunk had a fist fight and started hurting your self it was implied to sober up Wyatt!"

I raised my voice. I hate when i do that.


He says softly. Thank god wyatt is nothing like Ian, Ian would have yelled 10 times louder.

"Dont Bec me Wyatt, if you wanted to change you would have ok? And im not going to the Board walk ok?"

He gets closer and i keep stepping back till my lower back is met by the kitchen island. He gets rid of all the space inbetween us and puts his hands on opposite sides from me on the island.

"I dont like fighting with you Becca. And i dont like seeing you like this, but if you dont want the Meds to get the better of you, you have to be willing to go out of the house."

See you next summerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin