
12 1 0

One, two, three, my love for thee,
Shall never wane forever to be,
Unfading and enduring it shall remain,
In the depths of my heart an eternal flame.

Striving towards the goal I hold,
Guided by purpose strong and bold,
Challenges abound not easily won,
But with determination they shall be overcome.

Embrace the present seize the day,
Opportunity awaits come what may,
Wherever thy path may lead,
Embrace it with fervor there's no need to concede.

In times of turmoil take bold action,
To ensure righteousness a worthy fraction,
Soar high in the sky with wings unfurled,
Yet never bid farewell to this precious world.

Leave behind the shadows of the past,
Look towards the future vast and vast,
For the past is but history faded away,
The future beckons in today's embrace.

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