Aim High

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Today heralds another day,
To bask in Sunday's gentle sway,
Greet the morn with a beaming smile,
Embrace the sky seize dreams worthwhile.

Ponder with wisdom let it guide,
To toil ardently take it in stride,
Choose what's best for thyself to be,
And greatness shall join thy company.

Unveil thy truest self, arise,
Set lofty goals let ambitions rise,
A dream awaits longing to embrace,
Eager to guide thee in life's embrace.

Cast not doubt upon thy own soul,
Thy potential knows no earthly toll,
In midst of dilemmas firmly declare,
Victory is thine beyond compare.

Some deem it late too late to strive,
To toil, to think, to feel alive,
Yet each pursuit holds purpose deep,
Embark on thy dreams, let thy spirit leap.

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