Transforming Hearts

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Love delicate as fragile glass,
Bringing joy inflicting pain,
It reveals happiness, yet in vain,
When shattered love we cannot amass.

True love a force so profound,
It stirs the heart reshapes the mind,
Guiding vision whether sighted or blind,
Awakening souls in love's surround.

Seek within for the love that's true,
Nestled deep within your yearning mind,
Let its essence radiantly unwind,
Enriching both me and you.

Embrace the attitude that's bright,
For together we can grow and mend,
In unity our spirits ascend,
I shout to the mountains, your name takes flight.

You've transformed my life, my dear,
Washing away the stains so pristine,
In your love's embrace my soul is seen,
Together we'll conquer any fear.

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