A new problem

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Hinata P.O.V

I woke up and sawn Naruto sleeping....

I should slowly wake up...

suddenly he caught my hand ...i fell on him...

Naruto: Stay with me..

Hinata: My Boss...You are officially late for your meeting...well I should say...you are very cold to your colleagues in  company...why ...

Naruto: If i become soft how i am with you...there are many enemies of me...which will take advantage..

Hinata: Okay but now get up...

Naruto: Give me Kiss I will..

Hinata: Okay..

Naruto P.O.V

She came closer to me...i closed my eyes....suddenly she kicked me from bed..i felled down..

Hinata: Go and be fresh!!!

Naruto: EVERYONE CHANGES AFTER WEDDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will give you punishment at night wait!


She gone downstairs..

Knock Knock...

Naruto: Come in...Konohamaru..

Konohamaru: Brother there is bad news here take this call..

Hinata P.O.V

Ben: Mam Breakfast is ready...

Hinata: Thank you ben...you also do it...

Ben: I will do after you and Master finishes..

Where is this Naruto-kun..

I sawn Him coming in hurry...wearing his coat..

Hinata: Breakfast!

Naruto: I can't I have to go to company fast..

Hinata: What happened ..

Naruto: Don't worry ...Ben will drop you to company afterwards..

Hinata: Take Care..

What must have happened...we were about to go to Mom after his meeting...

Hinata: Ben sit with me and do breakfast your master doesn't even care of his health ...always work..

Ben: Yes mam..

Naruto P.O.V

I reached in company..

employee: Good morning sir..

Naruto: Good morning..

I enter in meeting hall..

Minato: So you have come..

Naruto: Who did that!!!!!!

Sasuke P.O.V

Everyone was quiet...his anger is in next level..

Naruto: I SAID WHO DID THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Minato: Naruto calm down....

Sasuke: Naruto we have found in CCTV Camera ...someone wants to hurt Hinata...but we couldn't see his face carefully...

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